Chapter 16. Being Bad

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Aria was having a hard time sleeping she kept having nightmares about her parents. She kept waking up and trying to go back to sleep but she just kept getting nightmares so she just gave up.

She tried cuddling closer to Caleb but it wasn't helping. She got out of bed it was 4:30 in the morning she quietly tip toed her way out of the bedroom down the hall to her playroom.

She played with all of her toys being as quiet as she could so she wouldn't wake Caleb up. After a while of playing she started getting really tired but she refused to sleep afraid to fall asleep because of the nightmares.

She hasn't spoken or seen her parents for months now since she moved in with Caleb. She didn't even like thinking about them because when she did it only brought bad memories back that she doesn't like to think about. But it seems like her parents will haunt her no matter what in her dreams.

Her eyes were burning from exhaustion but she still didn't want to sleep. She forced herself to stay awake playing with her toys until the sun came up.

She walked downstairs to the kitchen to get something to drink specifically a soda so it would help wake her up and give her more energy. She found a coke trying to open it as quietly as possible.

She knew if Caleb found out she was drinking soda and wasn't sleeping he would get angry but she couldn't help it she needed it.

She walked back upstairs with her soda into her playroom were Caleb specifically told her she wasn't allowed to bring drinks or food into.

She was being so naughty the soda made her feel hyper and jittery she was happy it was helping her stay awake.

It's was now 9:30 in the morning Aria was running around playing with her toys with so much energy she didn't feel tired at all well maybe a little but the soda helped a lot.

She was running around her play house holding Mr Tinkles up in the air like he was flying. She didn't notice Caleb standing by the door staring at her.

She was about to trip over one of her toys but Caleb reacted quickly reaching out to catch her before she fell face first into the floor.

She looked at Caleb shocked by how she didn't notice him there. "How long have you been in here princess? And don't you dare even try lying to me!" He scolded her angrily.

Aria avoided his eyes trying to tell half the truth not the complete truth because she knew it would only make him angrier. "T-Two h-hours."

A complete lie she told him but Caleb knew she was lying as soon as she started avoiding his eyes and looking down at her feet. .

His fingers made there way under her chin lifting her face to stop her from avoiding his eyes. "Wrong answer." He told her sternly. Her face turned red her face clearly showing she knew she was caught.

"I don't like repeating myself princess I'm gonna ask you one more time. How long have you been in here?" He asked her sternly his voice sounding cold.

"I-I p-promise I-I w-was o-only I-in h-here a-a f-few h-hou-..." Caleb cut her off. "Your not answering my question Aria." He called her by her actual name making her understand he was serious.

"S-since 4:30 I-in t-the m-morning." She told him softly answering truthfully. Caleb looked at her disappointed.

"What else did you do while being up so early? Don't even try to lie Aria it's isn't gonna save you from getting a spanking." He told her in a warning tone.

"I-I d-drank a-a s-soda I-I'm s-sorry p-ple-..." "No I don't wanna hear it go to the room and wait for me there." He moved away from the doorway letting her walk past him.

Aria eyes began to burn on the verge of tears but she held them back knowing crying wouldn't help her get out of her punishment.

She waited patiently for Caleb hoping he would magically change his mind but she knew it wasn't going to happen.

Caleb walked into the room with a stoic look on his face not even bothering to look at her knowing she was probably scared and crying.

He had to do this it was the only way she would learn her lesson he wouldn't be hard on her he would still go easy on her. He knew it was her first time getting spanked.

He walked towards the bed sitting on the edge of it as Aria stood next to him waiting for his instructions.

"Come here." She walked timidly towards him. "I want you to lay over my lap." Her face turned red realizing she was only wearing his shirt and underwear. "Don't make me repeat myself your only gonna make it worse for yourself." He warned her.

She laid over his lap obeying his commands. She felt his fingers brush over her thighs stopping at her shirt to lift it above her buttocks.

She felt his fingers move up and down her spine making her arch her back slightly as she bit her lip to hold back a moan.

"I want you to scream blue rose as your safe word when you can't handle it anymore." She nodded her head trying her best to even out her breathing while his fingers continues brushing softly up and down her spine.

"I need a verbal response Aria or do you want me to spank you for that as well?" Aria immediately tensed responding quickly. "N-no I-I u-understand." Caleb groaned not liking her response.

"Wrong answer Aria I wanna hear you say my name." He told her in a deep husky voice sending shivers down her spine. "S-sorry I-I u-understand D-Daddy." She answered correctly. "Good girl." He praised her satisfied with her response.

"I'm going to give you ten spankings total five for disobeying me and five for being up all night." "O-okay d-daddy." "I want you to count each one out loud each one you miss will add another spanking do you understand?" He asked her in a dominating tone.

"Y-yes." She whimpered. He spanked her ass unexpectedly making her gasp. "Yes what?" He asked her. "Y-yes d-daddy." "Good girl." He told her getting ready to spank her again.

"Start counting." He warned her. His hand spanked her ass hard. "O-one." She gasped at the feeling. "T-two." This time she hissed not giving her enough time to adjust.

"T-three." She began to whimper her buttocks burning from the harsh spanking. "F-four, f-five." Tears began to fill her eyes. "S-six." Caleb rubbed her buttocks giving her a break.

"Your doing so well baby just four more to go." He softly spoke calming her down a little. He began spanking her again to finish the last four. "S-seven, e-eight." She whimpered but it came out as a moan.

"N-nine, t-ten." Caleb pulled her up so he could wipe her tears. "You did so good princess." He praised her pulling her face into his chest kissing her head.

"Shh daddy's got you baby." She looked up at Caleb disappointed in herself. "I-I'm s-sorry d-daddy I-I s-shouldn't h-have d-disobeyed y-you o-or s-stayed u-up." She hiccuped still crying.

"Shh princess it's okay now. You learned your lesson. Daddy's so proud of you princess." He praised her trying to stop her from crying.

He grabbed a cream to rub on her buttocks to help them feel a little better so they wouldn't be bruised.

When he pulled down her underwear to rub the cream her breathing got caught in her throat as she felt his hand rub against her buttocks. "Relax baby." He told her when he felt her tense up.

After Caleb finally finished rubbing the cream and got Aria to stop crying and calmed her down she fell asleep exhausted from staying up and crying so much.

He knew she was going to be in a horrible mood because she didn't sleep enough so he was happy she fell asleep. He hated seeing her cry so much making him feel bad for spanking her but he was proud of her for learning her lesson and taking her punishment so well.

He loved how well she obeyed him and how responsive she was to his touch. Nothing made him happier than being able to hold her in his arms while she slept.

He felt like the luckiest man on earth he never wanted to lose her he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life all he needed was her no one else mattered.

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