Chapter 8. Mr Tinkles

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Warning!!! Mention of self harm!!! Warning!!!!!!!

Two days had passed since aria came to the hospital still not speaking to Caleb. It hurt Caleb to see her not wanting to speak to him but he knew he had to be patient. The doctor explained it was normal for someone who goes through trauma to go mute for a few days,weeks or years.

It scared Caleb even more when she told him that but he knew his princess would heal and eventually speak to him again he was just going to have to be patient and gentle.

Today Aria was going to be released Caleb told Aaron to bring all her belongings to his house he wasn't going to let her go back to her parents.

"She should be fine now just keep a close eye on her." "Okay thank you." Caleb picked Aria up to help her into the car buckling her up as well. He drove her to his house as she looked out the window quietly.

When they finally made it to his house he carried her into the house bringing her to his room. "Lay down baby I'm gonna get the bath ready." He told her as he kissed her head.

Making sure the water was warm enough adding a few toys and bubbles into the bath to make it comfortable for her. "Ready princess?" She just nodded her head letting him picked her up to carry her to the bathroom setting her down on the counter.

"Can daddy help take your clothes off for you princess?" He asked her. She looked into his eyes. She trusted Caleb but she had bruises and scares all over her body that he hasn't seen making her feel self conscious.

"It's okay princess I won't look if that makes you more comfortable I'll just help take your clothes off and I will leave." She nodded her head in agreement.

He took her shirt off carefully she didn't have a bra on so he took off her pants and underwear looking away like he promised. He helped her down so she could get into the bath.

"Do you want me to leave you alone in the bath?or would you like me to stay with you?" She nodded her head yes for him to stay with her. He sat on the toilet as she bathed herself helping her when needed.

After she washed herself with the help of Caleb she played with the toys for a while until she was ready to come out. Caleb helped her put on her clothes he carried her to his bed to lay down.

She looked into his eyes appreciatively for all the things he was doing for her. Caleb got into the bed pulling her close to him kissing her head.

"I know you don't want to talk to me but I need you to tell me why you did it baby please you don't have to speak you can write it all down just let me make things right between us." Caleb begged as he put a paper and pencil in front of her.

She grabbed the pencil and notepad ready to write down what made her harm herself. As she wrote down everything tears began to roll down her face blurring her vision in the process making it hard for her to see.

She wiped the tears away writing down everything that happened that day and what made her do it handing it to Caleb when she finished looking away from him.

As Caleb read everything she wrote he had tears in his eyes feeling regretful and angry with himself for making her feel that way about herself and all the horrible things her parents told her.

"Baby I'm so sorry I fired her as soon as we got into my office. I didn't mean to hurt you look at me princess."

She turned around to look at him with tears rolling down her face. "Baby I'm sorry I swear I didn't do anything with her." He told her wiping the tears away from her face.

Aria nodded her head as if to tell him she believed him. "And I would never leave you baby I can't leave you your all I think about I'm obsessed with you I can't even imagine being away from you and today proved it I thought I lost you I was going to kill everyone for you."

"I need you princess you aren't going anywhere your mine and I'm yours." He told her pulling her close to him. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You have a heart of gold no one can take from you not even me."

He kissed her cheek then nose and lips looking into her eyes then leaning down to kiss her lips once again only this time it wasn't quick he slowly kissed her lips.

She whimpered into the kiss feeling all of there emotions spill into the kiss. Tears rolling down her face as she kissed him softly feeling loved and cared for.

Something she's never felt before and now Caleb was slowly showing her that love and affection she's never felt until now.

Caleb finally pulled away from her lips letting her breath. "Let's sleep princess." She snuggled close to him still not in the mood to speak but she still wanted to be close to him.

He wrapped his arm around her waist tightly as he closed his eyes falling asleep peacefully now that his princess was okay and safe in his arms.

Aria woke up early wrapped in Caleb's arms who was still sleeping so peacefully. She looked at all his tattoos all over his chest then up to his neck admiring each detail.

She began to snuggle her face into his neck nibbling softly onto his neck not realizing what she was doing until she heard Caleb groan.

She quickly stopped what she was doing pulling away from his neck looking away from him embarrassed. She heard him chuckle at her.

"It's okay princess." She looked at him shyly he pulled her close to him snuggling her face into his neck again letting her continue.

She nibbled softly on his neck feeling comfortable and calm. Caleb groaned a few times when she would nibble on his sensitive spot.

She would playfully nibble on that spot just to hear him groan. "You naughty little girl." He groaned.

"Let's go princess we have to get ready I have a surprise for you." He told her as he kissed her head. She whimpered as he began to move away to get out of bed. "D-daddy p-please." She whimpered. Surprising Caleb when she spoke.

"D-daddy." She whimpered again wanting to nibble on his neck again. "I missed your voice so much princess." He told her pulling her close to his chest.

"D-daddy I d-don't w-want t-to g-get o-out o-of b-bed." "Okay whatever my princess wants. Daddy's just gonna go grab your surprise quick from downstairs." "O-okay d-daddy." She laid down in the bed waiting patiently for Caleb to come back.

Caleb came into the room with the surprise behind him hiding it from her. "Ready to see your surprise princess?" "Y-yes d-daddy!" She squealed excitedly.

He revealed the surprise from behind him revealing a stuffed turtle with a hat and red scarf handing it to her. "Do you like it baby?" "Y-yes d-daddy I l-love I-it." Hugging him tightly.

"What are you gonna name him?" "I-I'm g-gonna n-name h-him M-Mr T-Tinkles." Caleb smiled at her lovingly as she hugged her stuffed turtle tightly.

"T-thank y-you s-so m-much d-daddy." She hugged and kissed Caleb thanking him for the first ever gift she's ever received making her cry from how grateful she was to have Caleb.

"Don't cry princess you deserve everything you want and wish for." He smiled at her wiping her tears away. He tilted her head up while leaning down to kiss her lips. "You deserve the world." He told her pecking her lips again.

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