Chapter 13. The warehouse

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Caleb woke up very early the next morning. He got out of bed very careful so he wouldn't wake Aria up. The clothes he picked out yesterday before going to bed were in his closet ready for him to put on.

After he got dressed he texted Aaron to make sure he was still coming to take care of Aria more like distract her. Because he knew she was going to cry and he didn't want her to be alone.

He knew she was going to probably be angry with him for leaving her alone. But he had to because today he was going to go see her parents in the warehouse that Aaron left them chained up in.

He kissed Aria on the forehead and cheek softly before leaving downstairs to open the door for Aaron. "She's going to cry once She notices I'm not there so try to be there when she wakes up. Because she hated being by herself. And if she asks were I am just tell her I had an emergency at work." He told Aaron everything he needed to do before leaving.

"Alright I got it don't worry I won't let anything happen to her boss." Caleb nodded his head trusting Aaron with her. "Thanks Aaron." He told him while walking to his car. Aaron shut the door going in the living room to watch something until Aria would wake up.

Caleb drove to the address of the warehouse that Aaron gave him. Caleb was a gang leader that Aria didn't know about he wanted to tell her but he was too afraid she would leave him.

He was the boss, the leader of the gang that's why Aaron always called him "boss." Caleb's gang was the biggest gang in America everyone knew his gang was not something to mess with.

Caleb was a very ruthless man who showed no mercy for others that fucked with him or anyone in his gang.

He owned Blackwood INC and other buildings. Andrew came to Caleb a few years ago to borrow money for his business. He was going to pay him back when his business set off but he never returned the money thinking he could get away with it.

Caleb found were Andrew lived thats why him and Aaron stayed a couple of days. And argued with Andrew that day and he seen Aria get beaten by Andrew that day.

Every time Caleb would remember that day when Aria got beaten by Andrew his blood boiled in rage. He was going to make Andrew and his wife suffer for the rest of their lives.

Caleb arrived to the warehouse one of the bodyguards named Rick walked him to were they were chained up. Andrew had a bloody nose and Elizabeth had a bloody lip.

Both looked like they were beaten pretty bad with black eyes and bruises. Aaron didn't lie when he said that he had it under control.

"How dose it feel to be beaten?" Caleb asked them both. Andrew looked up at Caleb with an angry expression he tried to spit on Calebs face but missed completely.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Elizabeth looked away from Caleb too embarrassed and scared to face him.

"What's wrong Elizabeth? Not so tuff anymore." Caleb mocked her. "Leave her alone you heartless piece of shit!" Andrew yelled at Caleb. "Oh you can talk now. You know it's funny how you say I'm a heartless piece of shit but the real heartless piece of shit is you. Or did you forget what you did? What kind of father and mother beats there daughter and tells her to kill herself everyday? Because you can't stand the way she talks or acts." Caleb punched Andrew in the face angry from all the pain they caused Aria.

"Leave him alone Caleb please we learned our lesson let us go now please." Elizabeth begged thinking that would convince Caleb. Caleb laughed at her pleading to let them go.

"You really think I'm gonna let you go that easy. You both still owe me money I don't even care about the money anymore. I just like torturing you both." Caleb laughed even more scaring Elizabeth. "Oh don't be scared now Elizabeth save that fear for when the actual torture begins."

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