Chapter 61. Arias Birthday

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Aria POV
Today I was turning 19 I should be happy and excited that it was my Birthday but instead I didn't really care or feel any type of way for my birthday.

I remember when I was turning 13 and I really wanted a birthday cake any kind I didn't care as long as I got one so I asked Elizabeth to get me one.

But she got angry so I went and begged Andrew for one which made Elizabeth even more angry so she locked me in the basement for punishment.

I begged her and Andrew to let me out of the dark basement but they wouldn't let me out. They left me in the basement until the next morning. I never asked them for anything else from that day on.

For 19 years they never celebrated my birthday or wished me a happy birthday. I grew up to hate my birthday and wish to never have another.

Because every birthday from my 13th as a way to celebrate my birthday they would either lock me in the basement or beat me first and then lock me in the basement until the next day.

I never knew what it was like to have my birthday celebrated because of them all I knew was that it was the worst day of my life that I dreaded my whole life. I would usually cry all night because I was so afraid of them remembering it was my birthday.

But somehow Elizabeth always seemed to remember and loved to punish me worse every birthday. I never regretted asking them for something more in my life. I blamed myself for all my failures and mistakes whenever they punished me.

Instead of wishing I stay alive on my birthday I would wish I would die while cutting my wrists with a blade in my bathroom.

I hated them for making me hate my birthdays because I was too young to be wishing death upon myself and harming myself like that.

Caleb POV
Today was Arias birthday and i wanted to make it extra special for her even tho i knew she hated her birthday. I wanted to change that for her and teach her to love her birthdays again.

I kept her busy playing with her in her playroom while Aaron and Layla where finishing up on setting up a few more things for her surprise birthday party.

I got her a ton of gifts for her and 19 birthday cakes each one a different flavor for each of her birthdays that weren't celebrated.

It wasn't a big party just Aaron and Layla were invited. I just hoped this didn't backfire and I end up opening up old wounds and making her more upset than she already seemed to be today.

"Come here princess." I called her over to come sit on my lap. She wasn't herself today I could tell it was taking everything in her to not just cry.

She was trying to be strong but I could see it in her eyes that all she wanted to do was break down and cry.

"You need a hug don't you princess?" I opened my arms letting her hug me. She took in a deep breath before she started crying letting out everything she was trying so hard to hold back.

"It's okay to cry princess you are always welcome to cry in my arms." She cried so much that it made my heart hurt for her. Today was really hard for her I stayed silent letting her hug and cry as much as she needed to.

I felt my phone vibrate alerting me that Aaron and Layla were ready for her to go downstairs and surprise her. I texted Aaron telling him to give me a minute so I could calm her down.

"Princess listen to me." She looked up at me wiping her tears away. "I know you don't like your birthdays but I want to change that today. I won't hurt you like they did to you. I just want to show you how thankful and grateful I am to have you in my life."

She nodded her head wiping more tears with her hand hugging me one last time. "I k-know y-you w-won't h-hurt m-me I t-trust y-you d-daddy."

She spoke up making me feel a little better about taking her downstairs to her surprise birthday party.

"Come on princess I want to show you something." She grabbed my hand following me down the hall to go downstairs.

"Before we go downstairs I need you to close your eyes I'll carry you down just don't open your eyes until I say you can open them." She closed her eyes turning towards me so I could pick her up.

I carried her down the stairs towards the entrance of the kitchen. "Okay princess on the count of three you can open your eyes." She nodded her head agreeably.

"One..., two..., three!" She opened her eyes while Layla turned on the lights in the kitchen revealing everything we set up for her birthday party. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIA!" We all shouted to her.

She looked around at everything with tears streaming down her face shaking a little from happiness. "Come on princess." I encouraged her to walk into the kitchen instead of standing outside the kitchen.

"T-this I-is a-all f-for m-me?" She looked at me shocked at all the cakes and gifts. "Yes princess it's all yours from your first birthday to your 19th birthday. Today we're not only celebrating your 19th birthday but every birthday that you didn't get to celebrate."

More tears streamed down her face as she walked towards me to hug me. "T-thank y-you s-so m-much d-daddy." She stepped on her tippy toes.

Trying to reach me to kiss me but she was still too short to reach me. I leaned down the rest of the way so she could kiss me.

She turned around giving Aaron and Layla a hug thanking them as well. Her and Layla started to open each gift looking at all the new toys,clothes that I got her.

Aaron and Layla got her a friendship bracelet that matched all of theirs including mine that they got me today as well.

I watched her smile brighten up and her starting to be herself again. She wasn't sad or afraid anymore she was happy like every person should be on their birthday.

Every time she would open another one of my gifts she would look at me with the happiest smile on her face silently thanking me for each gift.

She started opening one of the gifts that I've been waiting for her to open. It was in a white box with a picture of a bamboo stick on it.

She opened the box slowly I watched her reaction when she saw what was inside. She looked at me for a split second before looking back at the gift.

Layla was jumping up and down from excitement and happiness behind Aria. I got out of my seat walking towards her she looked at me with teary eyes and a beautiful smile.

I picked up the stuffed panda that was holding a bamboo tree eating it with a note in the other hand.

"Your getting married in two weeks on June 24th." I read out loud the note the panda was holding. "Your gonna have to introduce Mr Tinkles to Mr Tree Aria." I told her to make her laugh which i succeeded in.

"Y-your s-so a-amazing d-daddy I l-love y-you s-so m-much." She hugged me kissing my stomach because she couldn't reach my lips.

"I love you too princess but I think we have 19 birthday cakes we need to go start slicing and trying the flavors." She laughed at me grabbing my hand.

She let me help her cut each cake after she made a wish and blew out the candle. Each time she finished cutting the cake I would smudge some of the frosting off each cake onto her face.

She would do the same to me but I would have to lean down so she could put it on my face. "Happy Birthday princess."

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