Chapter 3:Small town

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Alex pov:

After my mother left, I looked at my schedules for the week.Not a busy week.

Aren't I lucky. My next to me was ringing like crazy even when my mother was here, and of course, it was Leah. She was wondering if I wanted to hang out with her for the rest of the day. Of course, I had to say because I was bored. We met at the staircase and went into the city.

I didn't know much about the city because this city was a small town when I was younger. But then we moved after my father died. I heard on the news that it will expand to a small city. I was ten at the time and thought it was a cute idea, but when they were done, they thought it would be a good idea to make it bigger.

Like they say, "the bigger the better." Leah and I were walking for a while and talking nonsense. We decided to go eat at the nearest café we could find. Leah said that a popular café was near here. And of course, she said there was a cute boy there.

I'm not surprised. We went to the café but the line was super long. She wasn't lying when she said it was popular. " We're not waiting this long for a coffee. I'll be right back."she said before leaving me alone in the line. She came back with someone really old.

The only way we can get in front is to have an old person by you.

Old people and their family can move to the front. I can't dress up as an old person because that's how I got banned by the other café. But before we could get in front, they had to close because of the shortage of somethings.

"I can't believe they closed so early, but it's fine, I guess.

Maybe another day."she said in a soft voice. We went back to the dorms, and before she went in her dorm, she thanked me for hanging out with her. I told her she didn't need to thank me, but she was raised like that.

I went to my dorm, and yet again, my roommate wasn't there. I believe that I don't even have a roommate at this point. I cleaned the place before I went to bed. But before I slept, I thought what my roommate actually looked like because I'm a curious person.

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