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Jake stared at Heeseung who was watching the trailer on the big screen with a smile playing over his lips. He didn't know how Heeseung managed to actually convince his girlfriend to let him go watch this movie, but it's not the most important thing right now.

He leaned back on his seat, a happy smile on his lips. He could feel the warm pleasure spreading across his chest, lifting up some guilt he feels towards his father. Jake heaved a sigh, content.


The movie was two hours long, and Jake has never seen Heeseung gets this excited before. Although he have known the older boy even before Sana ruined his image, Jake never really had given Heeseung a bit of his interest.

"I suddenly want to play basketball," Heeseung randomly speaks as they walk out of the cinema, his hands playing with an invisible ball.

"We should go eat first, it's almost lunch," Jake said. "We can visit an indoor court after."

"Really?" Heeseung asked. "But indoor courts are no fun."

"What do you expect? Play outside in the midst of a burning sunlight? No way."

"A little bit of sun won't burn you alive, it's more fun to play basketball outside," Heeseung insisted.

"Whatever you say, let's eat first," Jake says, rolling his eyes at the second year male as he went to walk in front.

Heeseung followed closely behind him in silence.

They went to a fast food chain and order their desired food, sat in front of each other in a corner and began eating in silence. After that, Heeseung has then asked if they could go home.

"I thought you wanted to play basketball?" Jake asked, confuse.

They were now inside a cab to go home, Heeseung is sitting in front beside the driver.

"Yeah," Heeseung replied shortly, his focus was on his phone.

"Is it a Sana emergency?" Jake asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

Heeseung laughs as he looked behind and meets Jake's eyes.

"What's a Sana emergency?" Heeseung asked, half serious- to which Jake can only roll his eyes before Heeseung turned up front again.

A long fifteen minutes of ride back home went silent except for a few exchanges of questions and answers about school stuff, and they were already in the boarding house.

Heeseung entered his room with no other words as Jake went to finish his art project.


A loud knock on the door breaks the focus Jake has with his art project. He looks at the wall clock and realized he's been sitting in front of his canvas for five hours straight already. So far, he has managed to paint the whole art piece and only minor adjustments are needed.

He stood up from his seat as he hears another knock on his door. He placed the pallete into the sink and removed his apron before he went to open the door.

There stood Heeseung with a basketball in his hands.

"Come with me," Heeseung said, gripping on his left wrist and almost dragging him out his room.

"Where?" Jake asked, pulling himself back in, gripping hard on the door frame for support.

"To play basketball," Heeseung said, letting his wrist go. "It's afternoon, the sun cannot burn you now."

"What the-" Jake almost curses. "Give me a minute to change."

Heeseung eyed him down before he grimaced. "A minute."

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