Chapter 7

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At the moment I'm once again fighting to get my guitar back. Apparently Connor doesn't know what personal space is. We both have to deal with each other in this room and that includes me dealing with his smelly self after practice, so he can deal with me playing my instrument.

I let out a frustrated noise as I reach for my belonging only for Connor to last second yank it away. It shouldn't be this hard considering how big my guitar is, but this guy is an A- grade asshole.

"Give me Will back!" I complain watching as he goes slack. I gave him a curious look as to why that is what stops him. He tilts his head to the side with his stupid cheesy smile, but oh my gosh he looks so cute.

"You finally admitted his name is Will! You called him Will!" My face drops at his words as the realization hits. I just admitted my guitar has the dumbest name ever.

"I will not be saying anything else until I have a lawyer present" I cross my arms waiting for his dumb response.

"I guess I'm just gonna have to beat it out of you". He gives me this cheesy attempt at an evil laugh which is more like a cackle before lunging at me. I have a somewhat unmanly yell as I jump the other way.

My unathletic self didn't make it far. He jokingly punches me. Pulling the punches so they just barely graze my arms until he moves them to my head. I can't give him this satisfaction.

Since he's crowded me back to the bed I just flop down instead kicking him not so nicely. I glare as he pouts reaching down to rub his shin.

"Okay I'll give you... and Will the Fourth Minus Three a break" he chuckles as I groan and prop the guitar up correctly on my lap.


"I'm your best friend and you know it" I give him a look showing him how funny I think he is.

"Looks like I need to put out an opening for a new one" I grumble. He ignores this though and climbs into bed next to me. I catch myself tensing up but quickly relax. I still had my guitar ready in my lap. How can he just sit next to me so easily? Suddenly we're the bestest of buds? I'm pretty sure he was just beating me up ten minutes ago ago... I wish I could beat him. Yet internally, I am praying that our arms brush. Still I'm trying to keep as much distance from him as I can. We both seem to go silent for a moment, so I went back to strumming on my guitar. This is what breaks the silence.

"Man I was really hoping I could get out of you being annoying if I stole Will enough" He is very dramatic as he slouches and relaxes against the wall. I start to play a song I know from heart and he gives me a curious look which quickly turns to one of recognition.

"Queen? Really" I smirk playing it a bit louder for him. He smiles, but quickly tries to hide it swatting me on the head. I send him a glare and snap my teeth at him, threatening him with a bite.

"Yes I'm playing Queen on your bed. Since I hate you and I want you to know it" I say it in a sing-song, voice, hoping he gets the memo clearly. He doesn't and just tries to reach for my instrument again. So I do what I do best increase how annoying I am.

I start to play it louder. Yelling the lyrics. No way am I going to sing for him. He is shit. Still Conner jumps away at the sudden loudness of my voice. Which then causes me to laugh, but I refuse to leave it there.

Even when he leans in towards me. I fumble a bit, but continue to play, only getting louder. My nervousness messes me up a bit so I replace the lyrics with la las hoping they still get the job done.

This man doesn't seem to get the hint, and just leans even closer to me. Totally invading my personal space. If I didn't have such a crush on him, I would so thank he's a creep. I still think he's a creep, but a hot creep. I do what I do best and panic. Adjusting my body a bit. I managed to get a leg free enough to kick his shin again. It's a very light kick, but it is filled with the little hatred I have for him.

The notes I'm playing, turn into a jumble of random notes and eventually I just give up laughing as I watch the little crybaby pretend to be injured. He looks up at me with a pout, puffing out his bottom lip as he rubs at his leg. It doesn't even look like he's rubbing at the right spot. What a baby. Why does he have to be so ugh!

"I hate you brat" he notices that I'm not giving up my death glare, and quickly sends words of hatred. I scoff at those words, not finding a hint of truth in them. I couldn't tell if it was because of the way he was smiling or how he's laughing right through them.

"I hate you too" I still return the words anyways. They aren't true. I know that of course. Well maybe they are. Can you hate somebody and want to kiss them at the same time? Actually, I think you can.

"Get off my bed" I add giving up on the song I was previously playing and putting my guitar away to push him a little, adding a little emphasis to my demand. It doesn't do much as he hardly moves.

"No" is all I get in return. Toddler. I want to smash my guitar against his head. Gosh men can be such children sometimes, me included. That being said I come up with a plan. With my guitar in hand I stand and hurry over to take over Conner's bed. Well more like I gently sit on his bed being cautious of my precious. Conner seems to size me up before just sending a glare.

" Callum" I don't know why his voice turn threatening and I don't know why I found it insanely hot, but I did.

"Yes Connor?" I continue to toy with my roommate. I am winning this fight whether he likes it or not. He may have more muscle, but I have more experience being an annoying petty bitch and I'm not afraid to pull out all the stops.

He stands, and I quickly put Will to the side before sprawling out on his bed completely. He freezes before tilting his head to the side, the first signal for me to get off. When I don't, he just takes a step closer, a seriously intimidating step. I try very hard to pretend I didn't notice.

"Okay you can have your bed back, get off mine" once again his words are filled with laughter, but I know that my life is going to go away soon because I wasn't going going to give him what he wants. I flip onto my back and pretend to look around everything, weighing in my options. In reality I already knew what I was going to say.

"No. I'm okay right here." The look of shock he gave me, made it all worth it. His bewildered look dropped back into a smile. A smile that was very distracting.

"Callum." there's that voice again. He won't get me off this bed.

"My bed now bitch" the sass in my voice shocks me. It certainly shocks him as he stands in front of me and practically doubles over laughing.

"Why do you sound like you're quoting mean girls or something" I gasp offended. Do I know why I was offended, no, but I was. Still I didn't bother getting up just shifted to cover more of the bed.

"Then I'll take yours" Quickly I get underneath the first layer of blanket on his bed, securing my spot before turning to look at him as he pulls off my blanket.

"No sleep on the floor!" It really dawned on me that I was in his bed. Things feel a lot different being under one blanket then being on top of them all. Really it's world changing. I can't stop the way I probably flushed at this. He sighs and looks between our beds. I purposely kick my feet trying to make as much of a mess as I can.

"Don't you have some sort of football practice or something that you're supposed to be at so I can just vandalize your side of the room in peace"

"Shit! Practice!"

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