Chapter 3

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I'm supposed to be writing a paper on types of bias in behavioural economics but I can't stop thinking about yesterday.

I flip through the article, reading about knee-jerk bias which involves making fast, instinctive decisions. There's inertia bias which means thinking and acting in ways that are familiar and predictable.

And then there's myopia bias which honestly hurts to read because it's like the article is currently calling me out for interpreting the world through the narrow lens of my personal history and emotional baggage.

I groan out loud, earning a look from the group of students on the table next to me. Why the hell did I react so badly yesterday?

My shitty temper has not only ruined my chances with Zander Wyatt, it's also gained me some unnecessary attention. Videos of me telling Zander off have circulated throughout campus and almost everyone who gives a damn knows who I am now.

I look around at the crowded cafe, paranoia eating at my nerves. A group of students I don't recognise stare at me and one of them gives me a nod of respect.

There have been two types of reactions. Some either love me for telling Zander off and others hate me for being so rude.

Which is why I'm currently hidden under the confines of my black hoodie, seated at my regular spot at our local campus cafe called The Orange Idiot.

I run my hand through my hair and sip on my second coffee for the day. It's weird how I'm so exhausted every time I read but wide awake whenever it's time for sleep.

These past two days, my thoughts have been consumed with Zander. I get up thinking about him and go to bed thinking about him. I used to be determined, now all I feel is regret.

My phone pings and I glance at the message on my screen.

"Hooters, tonight. You owe us free drinks and a ride."

I snort at Stacy's message and type back. "Mission over girls but I'm down for drinks. Been having a shitty day."

She replies with a thumbs up and I put my phone away and try to concentrate on my paper. My cheeks burn when I think about how I confronted Zander right in the centre of that stupid walkway.

The busiest walkway on campus. What the hell was I thinking? Hurting a man's ego was the worst way to attract him.

I bury my face in my hands and think about the French movie I've been using for reference. In The Ten Steps to A Man's Heart, the lead actress Elea breaks her heel and falls head first into her bosses arms.

He catches her in the most theatric but romantic way, his arm wrapped around her waist as she falls to the side, both of their eyes locked on each other's.

I didn't even aim that high with my first step. All I wanted to do was spill some coffee. But no, I had to trip over like some klutz and the worst part was Zander didn't even catch me.

He walked over me like I was some log of wood or a broken tree branch. Something unworthy of his attention.

Anger begins to simmer under my skin and I purse my lips. Screw my revenge, he definitely deserved that telling off.

After an hour of half reading - half dreaming, I gather my books and decide to head back and get ready for tonight.

The moment I reach my empty room, I dump everything on the bed and check the online forums. The three months is almost up but there's no news of Zander and Yoona's break up.

I also don't know who his next target is. There have been no hints so far.

I stare at my wall of research. A part of me wants to tear the entire thing down. I'll be visiting Elizabeth next weekend and the thought of my prematurely failed revenge weighs heavily on my shoulders.

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