Chapter 16

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It is only when the glass dome dulls with evening light do I realise that Zander and I have spent nearly the entire day in the library together.

I sneak a look at the guy I want to annihilate and irritation spikes when I see him completely immersed in his book. His face is so utterly relaxed and it causes a spike of worry to flare up within.

This shouldn't be happening. It shouldn't be that easy for him, especially since he's supposed to be dating someone else.

I shut my book with a small thump and begin to gather my things in a rush.

This breaks Zander's concentration and his eyebrows raise. "Are you supposed to be somewhere?"

Another flare of irritation burns my skin. Of course I am! Anywhere but here, with him.

"Yes." I mutter, trying my hardest to keep the edge out of my voice and failing miserably.

I'm sure he notices, which is why he all but chases me down the winding staircase.

There are students all around us, more have piled into the library after their evening classes. He doesn't dare say a word with the amount of wandering eyes around us but as soon as we exit the library he tugs my wrist.

"Did I do something? You're running away like Cinderella when the clock's about to strike at midnight."

Outside the sun has begun to set and a soft breeze pushes some of my hair over my face. The waning sun casts an orange glow over Zander's face, it makes his honey brown eyes more golden. I realise we're standing too close to each other and slip my wrist out of his grasp.

"What are we doing?" I finally say, my words soft like a ghost, wafting in the wind between us. "What are you doing?"

He frowns, confusion etched into every inch of his face. "We're not doing anything."

There's that non chalance that has burned me up from the beginning. "We are. You spent the entire day with me, alone in the library while your girlfriend was just a table away. Why don't we just have dinner and call it a date?"

He must either love my sarcasm or be oblivious to it because Zander's eyes crinkle with smug delight. "Is that you finally asking me out?"

"I don't do chasing, remember?" I seethe and then march down the steps, away from him but the guy is relentless.

"Look I did what you wanted. I posted that comment, I told everyone my intentions. You know I'm interested, Danielle. This is the first time I've ever made such a public statement and you make it seem like I'm some asshole who's playing girls left, right and centre." There's no amusement in his voice anymore, Zander Wyatt is borderline angry.

I stop walking and turn around, my heart thumping because Zander nearly walks right into me. He places his hands on my shoulders to stop himself and there's so much chatter all around us, from students lying on the grass or passing by. I turn to the side to see a few people staring at us, their eyes wide when they recognise Zander.

"You call a single comment on an online thread a 'public statement'?" I whisper and his eyes narrow before he groans in frustration. He releases me and runs a hand through his hair.

"You're so difficult, you know that? But I've tried so hard and yet I can't seem to stay away."

More and more heads have turned. They're gazes feel like fire burning my skin but Zander only looks at me, unfazed by all the unwanted attention.

This conversation is too personal, we need to go somewhere else before someone starts taking a video or something.

"Follow me," I say softly and his eyebrows raise in question.

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