Chapter 8

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Sorority culture in Daltech isn't as big as it is in other universities but the best parties can often be found on Greek row.

It takes us about fifteen minutes to take a leisurely walk to the Kapa Phi Nu house where the football after party is currently being held. Mass invites were sent out in the beginning of the week in anticipation for the match today.

It's funny how the organisers anticipated the win way ahead of the game.

I'd gone home and changed out of my tiny cheerleader outfit, opting for slim fit jeans and a white tank top instead. I take another sip from the flask of premixed liquor in my hand and am utterly thankful that I don't have to consciously suck in my belly anymore.

My small pouch of flab is nicely tucked in the confines of my high waist jeans.

Daphne and Stacy are busy discussing the last few minutes of the match and how Zander's play had pushed the win. I'd been equally as enthusiastic when we left the dorms but the closer we get to Greek row, the more anxious I feel.

We leave the winding pathways that surround the campus grounds and my sandals scrape against the coarse cement road.

Houses surround us from both sides, some empty, some with lights on but little to no activity. Kapa Phi Nu - the noisiest sorority house - is located on the far end, furthest away from campus. I can hear the music blaring from all the way here, feel the pulsing beats reverberate from the road right through my feet.

"They're really going hard tonight." Daphne murmurs, the glittery eyeliner making her eyes shine under the streetlights.

"Of course, we beat those arrogant asshats today. Our celebration is well deserved." Stacy takes a long celebratory swig of her drink. As a competitive cheerleader who represents Daltech in tournaments as well, she's always taken the games more seriously than the rest of us.

"You have to admit Zander was pretty awesome today." Daphne nudges me on the shoulder, a smirk playing on her pink stained lips. "I wonder why."

I ignore the jab and shrug my shoulders. "His father was there. That's why."

"This isn't the first time Senator Wyatt graced us with his presence," Daphne winks at me and her expression is dreamy. "I think it was because of someone else."

"Whatever," I scoff. "He's the enemy guys, remember?"

"And the enemy is looking fine tonight." Stacy observes.

We've approached the designated party house and I hesitantly look up to see most of the football guys lounging outside on the sprawling patio. My eyes immediately zero in on Zander who's leaning against the wooden banister with a small red cup in hand. He's dressed casually today, in a white shirt and dark blue jeans.

I look down at my attire and realise that we are both matching, although white tops and blue jeans are a rather common combination considering it doesn't require much thinking to put together.

There's a curvaceous red headed girl standing in front of him. She's currently talking his head off and he's listening intently to whatever it is she has to say. I notice her inching closer to him in those six inch heels of hers.

The girl is gorgeous and the tiny red dress she has on compliments her hair beautifully. She trips lightly - although I don't know what she could have possibly tripped on on the empty floor - and places her hands on Zander's chest, laughing shyly.

He smiles as well, helping her steady herself and suddenly a flare of panic swirls in my chest. My hand shakes slightly as I bring the flask to my lips and take a much longer sip. The music is so loud, I can barely feel my heart beating against my rib cage and I suddenly have the strongest urge to turn around when Stacey saunters up the stairs.

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