Step 4

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Making The First Move 

By now you should have the guy/girls interest. He's pursuing you and you've made it clear you need to be won. So now what? The dating should commence, shouldn't it? 

This step is more case specific and highly debatable. But in this case, the guy is going to need to make the first move. 

In retrospect, during the early ages men have always been the hunters and women the nurturers, the protected. Biology is one thing we can't escape from and in some cultures men still make the first move by asking for the women's hand in marriage, etc. 

It's a little different nowadays. Girls can do the proposing if they like but as I said, it's case specific and it depends on the couple. 

Sometimes it's nice to let the man take charge and ask you out. It spikes his confidence when you say yes and gives a little spark to the flame that has only just started to ignite. Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you. I'll be doing the same as well. 

The one with your best interests at heart,

Danielle Nio

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