Chapter 21

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I take my time, scrubbing my body and rinsing off a couple of times before stepping out in my towel. My hair's damp and I quickly towel dry it whilst searching for the most un-sexy, inconspicuous outfit in my closet.

Zander challenged me to go that party with him as a date, to prove that I have nothing whatsoever with Luke, and I'm not spending any effort to dress up for something so ridiculous. So I settle on the baggy university t-shirt all the honour roll student's received during orientation and a pair of black leggings.

When I step outside my room, bare faced and hair damp, Zander does a double take, looking me up and down.

It startles me as well, catching him leaning by the wall in front of my door. Thankfully, all he can see is Elizabeth's side of the room which is currently barren but one step in and he'd be able to see my wall of Zander related research.

And that could be misinterpreted in so many ways.

I quickly shut the door behind me and proceed to lock it. Zander sidles up next to me, his proximity making my heart race as I wedge the key inside the knob and turn.

"Aren't you going to invite me inside?" He nudges me with his shoulder and I pause, my body going stiff like a block of wood.

"Umm, no. Shouldn't we get going?" I turn around to leave, expecting him to follow me. "Two hours, that's all you're getting and then I'm out."

He takes a step to the side, blocking my path. "I'm having second thoughts now. You look so comfortable and I didn't realise how tired I am. Maybe we should settle for cuddling on the bed." He pinches the sleeve of my t-shirt and looks down at me suggestively.

My stomach lurches at the thought and I instinctively swat his hand away. "Not today."

Not ever.

I have to drag him past the dorm rooms, past the student lounge and down the stairs. His fingers somehow find mine while this happens and I realise with growing dread that I will definitely have to give a little in order to keep his interest for the next three months or more.

So I let him interlace his fingers with mine and feel the rough calluses of his palm brush against my skin. It feels wrong to step inside that McLaren again, like I'm an imposter who doesn't deserve to sit in such an expensive car.

I make myself comfortable while Zander fiddles with the music console, playing something upbeat to put us in the mood for partying, I suppose.

"Do you party after every game?" I ask suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between us. We're on campus grounds now and it doesn't take long to reach Greek Row, especially since we're in a car.

I wince, noticing the attention we're starting to get. Students walking to and from the houses on either side of the street have stopped to stare, some pointing at the car with admiration.

"Mostly, yes. It's a lot of pressure, being out there on the field and winning always deserves a celebration," Zander answers, oblivious to the gawking students around us or maybe he enjoys all the attention. It certainly seems like it.

"Who the hell drives a sports car on campus?" I blurt out in annoyance. I purposely dressed down because I'd be arriving with Zander and I didn't want Luke to see me all dressed up for our so called date. I know it makes no sense but I just didn't want to look like I'd made an effort, which Luke might not even notice, making me feel silly for thinking too much about it.

But now we're going to step out on to this crowded street and everyones going to ogle at the car and then Zander and then they'd look at me, wondering if I got here by mistake.

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