17: ZAYD

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If anyone told me this year's Ramadan would be quite hectic, I would have laughed. Since I established the company, I made an intentional move each Ramadan to lessen the work load; not just for myself but for the other Muslims who make up more than seventy per cent of the employees I'm responsible for.

This year though, making that move was impossible.

Thanks to the stunt the former vice-president of Samar pulled and the aftermath that followed (which I'm still grateful for as I never saw it coming), my popularity has spiralled out of control. On one hand, it's bringing in more projects, clients and stakeholders which is a boost for the company. On the other hand, the workload is crazy for every single person and we're getting stretched thin which is leading to the creation of more offices and the recruitment of new people so we can meet up. Then don't get me started on how many people are trying to pry into my private life.

I didn't know so many people made a living from breaching people's privacy until now. I'm avoiding them as much as I can and I'm planning on doing so for a long time. I just hope they get the memo and leave me alone.

On another note, we're getting ready for Mas'ood's graduation, Aliyah's wedding and I'm slowly getting things in place for my trip to Stanford for Amal's graduation. NTIC has fixed Zafeenah's graduation for August 8th and their prom for August 5th. She still has about two papers left and she's made it clear that she's not attending prom because Mas'ood promised since last month to take her out that day and she's not working around that outing for anyone, not even the mates she has shared six years with.

Speaking of exams, today's Amal's final paper and I haven't checked in on her.

Although she says otherwise, I feel like this crazy period has prevented me from checking in on her the way I should. From time to time I wonder if I'm doing everything right and as much as I'd like to make adjustments to make sure both of us are in perfect place, I can't do so until I find my balance again. Unfortunately, that'll take a little more time. My only prayer is that things don't get strained. I don't want to push her away or make her feel like I'm doing just that. It's the last thing I want.

I'm reaching for my phone so I can text her when someone knocks on my office door. I know who it is before the door opens and I can't stop myself from smiling.

Jonathan, a face I'm now seeing more often, smiles back as he steps in. "Was this a bad time?"

I shake my head and push myself off my chair. "Not at all. I wasn't expecting you though. You've been showing up unannounced."

"Oya open your mouth and tell me that you hate it."

I don't hate it and he knows it. Jonathan's company is nice and he's been really helpful with the unavoidable reconstruction of Samar's internal affairs. It's scary just how many employees I have to lay off because of the fraudulent activities that were kept hidden until I filed a lawsuit against the former vice-president. That reminds me, I have to call my lawyer. There's really so much to do. Mama also said I should better be back home ten minutes to Iftar. Oh Allah.

"Earth to Zayd Dantata."

That pulls me out of my head and I give Jonathan an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to zone out on you. Have a seat, Jonathan."

"You don't need to tell me twice...Do you still have that mint tea?"

I roll my eyes while he laughs. The Moroccan mint tea is from Hassan and he only gave it to me because he didn't want Summayya to get suspicious when he gifted her two packs. He told her he thought of us and wanted to give it to us. What a liar. As much as I like it, Jonathan likes it better and each time he comes into this office, he has at least two cups before leaving. I've already told Hassan to get him a pack. I don't even know what's delaying that Mr Tambuwwal.

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