29: ZAYD

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I'm thrown a small party on the evening of my birthday. I know who's behind it the moment I see the mischievous smile on her smile. I exhale. "Amal..."

"I love you too, Architect Dantata."

It's a really small party held in my parents' living room. Now that Amal and I have our house, I've found myself referring to this house as my family's home or my parents' house. Crazy how fast time changes. Those in attendance are my family members, her family members (except Mahmud who they tell me is closing late from his shift), Hassan, Summayya, and then three of my cousins – Jafar, Zayyan and then Aleem (it couldn't be helped) – who are already on ground because they're key people in the wedding planning on my end.

It's kept simple; I'm wished happy birthday by every single person and I'm hugged a lot by those who can hug me (I wish Amal was one of them) and then there are little cakes brought out with candles that I have to blow out. I don't even get the chance to argue. The cake with strawberries and seedless grapes get my attention and Zafeenah who holds it tells me it's from Amal. My wife-to-be just keeps smiling at me and like every moment, I fall much deeper.

The gifts I get are small and simple; things I mentioned in passing but forgot to get. Amal tells me her gift is upstairs in the family lounge and I gladly go up with her, paying no attention to snickers that come from those that constantly make me tempted to wring their necks. I recognize the box sitting on the coffee table in the lounge and my heart warms. "Amal..."

She smiles and makes herself comfortable on the armrest of the loveseat. "I wanted to get you something small but then I came across this fashion designer's Instagram account and I did a little digging, only to find out that he's your fashion designer in Niamey."

The box has his initials which is his signature; JD, short for Jean-Daniel. He's the only person I can fully trust with my clothes and he never disappoints. God, I really love this woman.

"I told him I wanted to get you something small before I came across his account and that I had changed my mind. I told him I wanted to pick out a style for him to sew so you can wear it for one of our events because the colour I had in mind would complement an outfit I'm planning to wear. I don't know what event it would be for yet but still..."

I open the box and push aside the protective covering. Neatly folded is a red babanriga with its inner kaftan and trousers. There are cufflinks too. The embroidery is perfect. Jean-Daniel never fails to execute his works perfectly but this supersedes everything I've gotten from him. This is wedding worthy and God knows after the wedding, I'm not wearing it again unless she wants me to.

"Do you like it?"

I nod before raising my head to look at her. "I do. I love it."

Her smile kills me sweetly. "You should try it on. I want to see it on you. I'll wait here while you get changed."

She doesn't have to ask twice. I take the box to my room, only to see a silver bag on the bed which contains brand new shoes and a cap that goes really well with my new outfit. There's a card too and it has me smiling in no time.

I came in earlier to drop this so it can be a sort of second surprise for you. Now hurry up and get changed, Architect Dantata. I want to see you!

-Amal (future Mrs) Dantata

The complete set fits from the cap down to the shoes and I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a long minute, loving the man that stares right back at me. With a nervous heart because I have no idea what her reaction will be, I head back to the lounge.

Her gasp is so soft. "Oh my days, Sa'ed..." She stands and walks over, genuine awe on her face. "God, this is so good." She grins. "I'm so going to tip him. This exceeds every expectation I had and it looks so good on you."

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