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30th September, 2020


For a week day, Athena is busy but it's also what I want.

It's my first time being out since the miscarriage and why I wanted to come to this particular place, I would never know. Zayd doesn't understand why either but he didn't argue and I'm grateful.

It's nice to see people come in and out, eat alone or with people, laugh, have fun, and then leave. This is what I came out for; to see that the world is still bustling. He doesn't know it yet but Zayd needs this too.

How long does it take for this man to catch up with –?

He appears right in that moment, a smile on his face as he pulls out the opposite chair. "Sorry. I got carried away with teasing Hassan."

I guessed as much. I smile back. "You gave them our orders?"

He nods, adjusting in his seat to be more comfortable. "Just the drinks. I wasn't sure you were ready to eat."

"I'm not." Not yet. "I'm quite content watching everything and everyone."

He raises a brow. "Is that why we're here, Amal?"

I nod, giving him my most innocent look. "Of course. I wanted to catch a glimpse of the world in its bustling sense. It's part of the healing process, Sa'ed. I'm okay, I swear it."

His expression softens. "Take all the time you need then."

I love him, more than I did an hour ago. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I turn back to watching and I am well aware of him watching me. I do my best not to blush or smile under his gaze. I am quite proud of how well I pull it off. Our drinks arrive shortly; wine for him and a virgin mojito for me. There's water for him too and I steal a huge gulp from it which makes him roll his eyes while I laugh. Grabbing my glass, I take small sips with the straw. God, this is perfect! I'll bet anything that Mas'ood made it from scratch this morning. He keeps getting better, that brother-in-law of mine.

One of Zayd's phones rings then and from the look on his face, he doesn't look forward to whoever is on the other end of the line. He exhales slowly. "Amal..."

Let me guess. "The client from Wisconsin?"

He nods and I understand his expression. That woman is a new client and Zayd is already this close to terminating their contract. She wants to expand her country home in England and her demands are starting to skyrocket in a frustrating direction. It'll soon reach the point where I'll tell him to terminate the contract. She's getting on my nerves too.

"I need to take this." He says. "Mind if I leave you for a bit?"

I shake my head. "Take your time. Better give her a piece of your mind if there is need for it."

He smiles, standing. "I'll do that." He picks the still ringing phone. "She's really reached my limits."

"Sannu, Sa'ed."

"I'll be back in a bit."


He leaves, going through one of the doors meant for employees only. I sigh and continue sipping my drink, still watching everyone and everything. If the girls and I come to Athena again, we should definitely take this table. It's somewhat hidden and it gives a good view of the entire restaurant. My attention moves to the entrance from the reception where a lady is led in.

I can't help but frown. I've seen her somewhere. I swear I have. I just can't put my finger where but I swear I have seen her before.

She's beautiful, there's no denying that. She's not as fair as I am but her complexion is about two shades darker than mine. She's a nice blend of chocolate. Yes, that's the perfect description. She's light chocolate; I'd say the tan shade.

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