47: AMAL

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My husband has two planes in his name. I don't believe it when he calls me from the airport so he waits for me and I drive there from Asokoro to see it with my very own eyes.

He wasn't lying. The domestic plane is here and there's the bigger one which he tells me is an anniversary gift from Prince Halim. My jaw refuses to leave the ground and Zayd laughs, closing my mouth softly so I don't swallow a fly. Both planes are lovely but then Prince Halim's plane though...Masha Allah, that's all I can say.

When the luggage is offloaded, my interest is piqued. What on earth are those? I face Zayd. "Sa'ed, what are those?"

"You'll find out when we get home."

"But –"

He wraps an arm around my shoulders, smiling at me. "Patience is a virtue, sweetheart."

I glare at him. "Mine is currently wearing thin."

He laughs and kisses the side of my head. "I love you too."

It takes more than an hour to get back home because there were things that had to be cleared at the airport. We got them done faster thanks to Salim being on ground. He and Hussayna are still deliberating over IVF or going natural and like I told my best friend, I'm all for whatever they chose. I'm getting prepped up for my own IVF procedure and although it's not until March (it's still tentative), I'm nervous.

The two mystery items Zayd came with are brought into the living room and when he gives me the go-ahead, I decide to start with the bigger one. It's wrapped and it's reaching half my height. It also feels and looks like a canvas. What did this man get me?

I slowly tear off the wrapping paper. "At least give me a hint."

He shakes his head, comfortable on the opposite sofa. "No."

I eye him and proceed to rip the remaining paper off. Every single thought leaves my head and every word dies on my tongue. Oh. My. God. Ya Salam!

I vaguely take note of him coming over to stand behind me. He kisses my shoulder. "Happy Birthday, Amal."

It's a painting of me surrounded by flowers. Every detail is precisely captured and whoever did it is a master of the art. Every colour blends and complements each other; the bold and soft tones going perfectly together. It's beautiful. It's the best gift I now have.

I let out a small laugh. "How did you...?"

"I came across an art shop in Buenos Aires and I showed the artist your picture, asking if she could whip up something unique. She said yes and half a day later, I was getting this back. I had her make another one too, for our anniversary."

My eyes move to the smaller canvas. "That's it?"

"Yes." He kisses my shoulder again. "That's it...Do you like your birthday gift, Amal?"

I nod without hesitation. "I do, Sa'ed. I love it so, so much...We'll put it up in the family lounge."

"Oh...I was so sure you'll put it in your room."

"Or we can put it in our room! You'll get to look at it every day until you get sick of my face!"

He laughs and my toes curl. He nods over my shoulder. "I'll love that. I can never get sick of your face, Amal. You're my world now."

Cue the butterflies and the fire in my cheeks. "Stop it~"


I laugh heartily. "Seriously!" I take another good look at the painting. "Let's put it in the family lounge, Sa'ed. We'll get one for you too."

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