22: ZAYD

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"Mas'ood!" I'm this close to leaving him at home, whether he insults me or not. "Mas'ood Dantata!"

Baba chuckles as he enters the living room. "He's coming, Sa'ed." He works on his cufflinks. "Cut him some slack."

If I wasn't picking Amal up, I would have cut him some slack. "I don't want to keep her waiting, Baba. We're all late."

"Good thing Feenah is already out of the house then."

I blow out a breath. "Mas'ood Dantata!"

He runs into the living room, his shoes in one hand and his cap in another. "Ga ni na!" He drops his shoes and puts on his cap before he pats the pockets of his kaftan. "Innalillahi, my phone and wallet."

I want to scream. "Mas'ood –"

He runs back out with a promise to return as soon as he can. Baba laughs. "This is too funny."

"It isn't, Baba."

He smiles at me. "You're late to pick Amal up. Aliyah woke up late. Your mother is just coming out of the bathroom and Mas'ood is rushing. Feenah is the only one on time and that's because she's the graduate."

I reach up to massage my temple. "I don't even know what to say."

"Just relax, Sa'ed. Text Amal that you'll be a little late. Just go with her and Mas'ood from Mabushi. I'll drive your mother and Aliyah."

"But you said you didn't want to drive."

He stands. "That was before we all got late. I'll drive. I'll just fill up the tank before heading to the venue."

"Are you sure?"

He nods, still smiling. "I am." He walks over and pats my shoulder. "Don't keep Amal waiting too long. We'll be seeing her this evening In Shaa Allah...Mas'ood!"

Mas'ood runs back in. "I'm here!" He grins at me and I'm tempted to slap it off his face. "Mu je?"

I roll my eyes. "Be very lucky Feenah needs you in one piece today, Mas'ood."

He laughs. "Alhamdulillah for that."

I smile at Baba. "See you in a bit, Baba."

"See you in a bit, Sa'ed."

I leave the living room, hearing Mas'ood say his goodbyes before Baba calls out for Christopher who has been in the kitchen all morning. According to him, he doesn't see the need to attend the graduation with us and we know better than to try and force him.

I call Amal when I'm in the car and the engine has come to life. She picks up almost immediately. "You're here?"

I turn on the AC as Mas'ood gets in. "No, not yet. I'm just about to leave the house. Mas'ood delayed me."

Mas'ood gives me a look of disbelief. "Zayd!"

Amal chuckles over the line. "It's okay, Zayd. I'm not a hundred per cent ready either. I just need to touch up my make-up. I promise to be ready by the time you get here."

I shut the door and so does Mas'ood. "Alright. We'll be with you in a bit."

"Drive safely."

"I will."

When I hang up, Mas'ood snickers. "Whipped."

I can't believe this man is making me smile after annoying me. "Idiot."

He laughs. "Get out."

Aliyah arrives as we're driving out of the compound and she looks really tired which makes my chest squeeze. She's been freelancing lately and also rearranging some things in her house and it's taking a toll on her. I put it at the back of my mind to tell her to slow down.

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