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Not y'all dry when there's no drama. Here come everybody.

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7:03 p.m.

Omniscient Emil chewed his food as he eyed Antoinette from across the table

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Emil chewed his food as he eyed Antoinette from across the table. Rita and Richard glanced at one another and smirked before turning their attention back to Antoinette and Emil as they all ate in a comfortable silence. Antoinette kept her attention on her plate to avoid looking at him as she blushed. Rita and Richard absolutely adored Emil. In fact he and Antoinette reminded them a lot of themselves. He was a protector, provider, an upstanding man, a great father figure to Shyanne who desperately needed one, and he respected women.

The way he stared at Antoinette gave her butterflies. She hadn't felt that with a man in what felt like forever. She'd almost tossed poor Shyanne across the room when he'd walked through the door tonight. The way she held on to him and kissed him all over his face told him she'd missed him just as much as he'd missed her. He hadn't seen her since the night he'd left his home to go pick up something to eat and he'd come back home to a bloodbath.

She looked up from her plate and the look in his eyes was one of love and lust. She stared into his eyes for about ten seconds before she cracked a smile so big you'd think she was advertising for a toothpaste commercial. Emil smiled and brought his glass of wine to his lips as they held eye contact.

"Y'all are something else." Rita broke the silence. "Get a room already."

"Ma!" Antoinette's eyes widened as she quickly whipped her head in her mother's direction. If her mother didn't do anything else she'd certainly say the first thing that came to mind. Antoinette was a bit embarrassed and Emil just sat there laughing. "What's funny about that?" She questioned as if she wasn't a slut for him behind closed doors.

Emil opened his mouth to say what was on his mind but decided against it out of respect for her parents. If they had been at his house Antoinette would've already been on the table by now.

Richard cleared his throat and took a bite of his food before speaking. "We're happy you could make it Emil. With everything that's going on between you and your mother we didn't want you spending Christmas alone."

Emil stopped chewing and looked at Richard as he thought about his mother. He'd spent an entire month in jail before he was finally granted bail. It was as if the judge was trying to make an example out of him. His mother Alina had only visited him once in jail and they hadn't spoken since then. As he thought back to that visit his heart sunk.

"I'm very disappointed in you Emil. It wasn't enough that you ruined your career and now you're sitting behind bars for...for— well who the hell knows what they're gonna try to charge you with. It could be attempted murder or aggravated assault amongst other charges. You broke into that man's house." Alina said, eyeing Emil through the glass.

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