💜The Essay🧡

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Type: Fluff

Characters: The music club + Sadie

Timeline: After ep.3

"Ugh..." an annoyed voice groanted. It was the pianists voice, or, how everyone calls him, Zander Wickham. He was in the music club with all the members in the room.

"What's up man?" The DJ asked, which name was Sean Everret. He surely didn't wanna hear someone sulking at the end of the day.

"I need to finish a theme in which I have to write down a summary about a book I should have chosen that I wasn't able to finish in class. I wasn't even able to pick the book! And It's due tomorrow!" He said.

Sean sighed as he didn't know how to help him since he had to study for a big ass test. But then he had an idea (bro really went "💡")!

"I cannot help you since I have to go home early today, but I'm sure Luke wouldn't mind help you out!" Sean said turning his head to Luke, which was at Zanders left, cleaning his drums.

"Isn't that right, Luke?"

"H-huh!? Me?" Asked the drummer named Luke Peterson, confused.

"I-I mean yea! I wouldn't mind it!" He exclaimed. He didn't want to make Zander sad, and he didn't even mind it... he... enjoyed it.

"Is that fine with you, Zander?" Sean asked.

"I... guess." Zander said, slightly blushing.

"A-alright then! Let's go!" Said the autumn haired boy.

Sean smirked as the PB&J haired boys left the room.(😈)

"Did you have to, Sean?" Asked the club president, Hailey Austin.

"Sorry Hailey, but I'm just doing my job."

"Alright, alright. I get it." Sighed Hailey.

"What's happening?" Asked Jake, the lead singer.

"Oh, nothing, nothing😈." Said Sean, with a diabolic smirk on his face (Sean=Lander shipper real😍).

With Zander and Luke

"I think we- I MEAN- you are going to finish it in time! It sounds easy!" The drummer said after the pianist finished explaining the theme he had to do.

"I guess..." Zander said in response to Luke's try of encouragement.

The two teenagers continued walking as they got to the library.

"Hi and welcome." Said a voice which Zander recognized. As he looked behind him he saw the girl who was in charge of the library. Her name was Sadie.

"Sadie! My girl!" Zander pratically shouted, making her put slowly a finger on her mouth, trying to shut him up.

"Sadie! My girl!" Zander pratically shouted, making her put slowly a finger on her mouth, trying to shut him up

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(Litterally what I think is the explanation of this photo)

"Oh, sorry" Zander whispered. He was really embaressed.

Sadie nodded, as a sign that it was ok and helped them find a sit.

"Okay, soooo... what book would you like to present?" The drummer asked.

"I think maybeeeee... Oh! I know! How to kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee!" Said Zander. It was his favorite book.

"I don't know about what it is, but if you want to then go ahead!" Luke said.

30 minutes later

Luke was coming back to the table him and Zander sit since he had to go to the bathroom. As he was going to the table, he noticed that Zander was sleeping on it.

'Huh? Why he sleeping on the table? Is he tired? ( No, ofcourse not Luke, he was just bored /s).' Luke thought to himself, as he noticed that Zander finished the essay.
He then started packing up Zanders things and picked the sleepy boy up.

He was so... beatiful.

Luke's thoughts started getting more... deep. He couldn't help him. He just wanted to spit out everything he thought of him.

When he had finished thinking about him(🙄)...

He then carried his crush (Future boyfriend*) to the music club, which was almost empty except the club president and the main guitarist, Milly Brooks.

The girl akwardly stared at the autumn haired boy and the grape haired boy (which was still sleeping).

"Since you guys are dating?" Asked Hailey.

"W-WHAT?! WERE NOT DATING!!!" Said Luke, litterally shouting.

"SHHHHHHHH!!!!! Shut up! You guys are going to wake Zander up!!" Shouted whispering Milly.

"Ah, sorry." Said Luke.

"But were still not dating." Luke whispered.

"Not yet..." Both Milly and Hailey said.

Luke sighed as he gently layed Zander down on the floor, along with his backpack.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Luke said.

With that said, he then left the room.

As he got to the bathroom, though, he rested his head on a wall and put his hands all over his face as he started blushing.

As he got to the bathroom, though, he rested his head on a wall and put his hands all over his face as he started blushing

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(Something like this ⬆️)

°758 words°

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