💜🫐Head boy (pt.3)🥜🧡

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💜🫐Head boy (pt.1)🥜🧡

Luke's P.O.V.

"Oh sure!" He said. My eyes widened. Did he really accept? I was used to him saying no or saying that he was busy. That was... an improvement? It was! I was nervous and excited at the same time... why? Well... because I was going to confess to him. Today. I could've heard the Music Club whining and whispering behind a wall. I knew that they were spying on us. About I remained calm, and right after my excitment returned.

"Really?!" I exclaimed in excitment.

"Ofcourse! I'm very sorry for not hanging out with you for the head boy duties..." He sighed. His head began to lower down.

"Hey, It's alright! Do you have any ideas on where to go?" I asked. Ugh... why was my heart beating so much? I mean... I knew I was inlove with him, but... I didn't know that love... could've been like this. It was all new to me... but I was ready. Ready to get in a realationship. A romantic. With the one I loved.

Even though It wouldn't have been like that. I was only dreaming. Why would've he liked me? He was perfect, beatiful, kind... I... was only me.
He would've surely rejected me. Why was I doing this in the first place?
It was stupid. But... still... I couldn't have standed another second seeying us as only friends.

Zander closed the locker gently, but since It wouldn't close, he kicked It.

I mean- I didn't really blame him...
The school's lockers are really old.

After kicking It closed, Zander looked at me with a lovely smile, like none of that just happend.

"So, I choose the place, right?" He asked, with a soft voice. Oh, he's so cute!

"Yea! Ofcourse!"

"Alright then... hm..." Zander paused, slightly thinking as he putted a finger on his chin.

"Well... I haven't been in a park since ages, so... the park?" He said. My face started to heat up, I was praying that It wouldn't had been too obvious though. But I then nodded.


"Great! Let's get going?"

"Y-yea... let's go." I replied, ignoring the fact that the Music Club was following me. My phone even started to blow up.

"Huh? Is that your phone? Who Is It?" Zander asked. I took out my phone, pretending to check who was It. And ofcourse, It was the Music Club. I cancelled the messages and setted my phone on "Do not disturb".

"Oh, just Milly spamming some meme on the group chat." I said. Zander looked at me in understandment.

"I knew she was that type of- uhh... what's their gender? I cannot tell-"

"Oh Milly? She's genderfluid, you cannot misgender her litterally."

(I just wanted to add this headcanon😘)

"Ah, I see..." He giggled.

30 minutes later...

Zander's P.O.V.

"Zandeeeeeer..." Luke whined, ironically. "Can we eat? I'm hungry..."

I sighed. This boy... he was so needy. Yet still beatiful, kind... and other things that words couldn't describe...

"Alright... but you go get the food with my money!"

"What- why your money? I wanna pay!"

"No! I'll pay!"

"Ugh, alright... what do you want to eat?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I ate in class."

"...Isn't eating in class breaking the rules?"

"Not If they don't find out~"

"Fair enough." And with that, I gave him the money.

"If there will be any, please take the rest." I told him.

"What? no-"

"I said. Take. The. Rest." I glared at him. He then nervously took the money and walked inside the store. Wow, was I really that intimidating?

No one's P.O.V.

Luke felt disappointed...
He had a change to get Zander to notice him, for once. He also felt like the 2 of them were breaking apart. After 8 minutes, Luke returned with some chips and some grape juice.
He looked at Zander, who returned the stare. Luke smiled at him while walking towards the boy. He really wished that everything could've had gone right, but he knew that Zander would've never loved him like he loved him. He wished to 2 could've acted like Jake and Daisy. But apparently Zander was the opposite. But what changed?

"Here Luke! Let me help you!" He suddently said, approaching him. He took one of the bags that Luke was holding. They seemed quite heavy.

"Oh, thank you!" He said.

They were now at the park. Zander's eyes beamed a bit on the kids. Luke found It pretty cute. Luke blushed. Zander looked at him. Of course Luke made a bad expression...

"Hey, are you okay? You've been acting quite weird." Zander asked, going closer towards Luke. But not too close to make Luke uncomfortable.

"Oh, me? I'm alright!" Luke lied. He wanted to be with this boy so bad... But he knew that he didn't have enough courage to. He told himself that he was now brave enough to tell him, but... he just couldn't...

Just then, Zander walked closer to him, with a serious expression drawn on his face.

"I know when you are lying, Luke... you don't have to fake your feelings with me! I'm always here for you!" Zander pratically shouted out.

Luke looked at Zander's soft lips. It would've been a dream to kiss them. They have been friends for some time now, but Zander didn't seem to guce Luke any attention since his duties.

"Well..." Luke paused. Was he really gonna do It? He was scared. But ready. He bit his lips and closed his eyes tightly. Zander looked at him, confused.

"Zander... ever since I met you, I always felt butterflies in my stomach everytime I was around you. It makes me sick, everytime I see you... I always feel my heart pass out... but It still beats very fast. Zander... will you go out with me?..." He said. As Luke didn't get any reply, he felt like crying, and he then lowered his head down.

But just then he felt someone cup his face. He suddently felt soft lips press against his.

And there they were, kissing under the sunlight. Luke then putted his hands on Zander's waist. They then pulled away from the kiss and looked at eachother, with sparkles in their eyes.

"Yes. I want to go out with you, Lucas Peterson."

°1067 words°

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