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So... I see some of y'all have been asking where the fuck have I been...

So, Imma explain It to ya😘.

So basically long story short, I was at school and during that day 2 teachers took me out of the class to ask me If I was okay, since I was acting "weird."😇

And one of them even noticed my SH scars. And I pulled out the most stupid excuse and said I fell down the stairs.
And ofcourse, she didn't believe me🥲.

So that one called my mom and rold js like that that I need a therapyst and that shit😊.

And my mom told me that I couldn't touch my phone or my computer until she's gonna get an appointment w my doctor to check If I really need It😨.

And now I am breaking the rules and I  took my phone while I am writing this😋.

I still need to go to check If I need It, and so If I am going to disappear once again, you'll know why😊.

I am probs gonna be sent in a mental hospital, so yuh😚.

My mental healt Is literally draining rn😀.

Bye pooks :3

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