Chapter 9 - The Lake

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I'm sleeping peacefully, until three body's land on top of mine. I swear, i can't avoid this no matter where i am. My brothers thought they needed to jump on me, and I'm fine with it until four more people jump on us.

"Okay who the hell was that?" I ask annoyed.

"My friends." Luke says smiling. Everyone had scrambled off of my bed after they realized i was mad.

"I never even learned your names, and you're jumping on me?" I jokingly ask, crossing my arms.

"Ethan Edwards." One says waving.

"Owen Power." The one in glasses says. I'm just gonna say, he's tall. I'm also pretty sure he plays for Buffalo. I've heard the name when they were playing the Devils.

"Adam Fantilli." Another one says.

"Wait, aren't you being drafted on Wednesday?" I ask Adam.

"Yep. Projected to go second over all to the Ducks." He says proudly.

"That's pretty cool." I say. I turn to the last one. "And you are?"

"Luca fantilli. Adam is my younger brother." He says.

"Sweet. None of you, including you three" i say turning to my brothers. "Are allowed in my room before 11 in the morning. If you need to wake me up, send one of my parents or Jamie in here to do it. If one more person jumps on me this week, they're leaving with a broken arm." I say smiling at all of them. The four of Luke's friends laugh, but my brothers stay quiet. They know I'm being serious.

"Wait. Jamie? As in the guy you kissed last night?" Luca asks, forgetting about what i said last night. My eyes go wide and i see Jack's did too.

"What is he talking about?" He asks me, getting mad. Everyone else in the room takes that as their cue to leave.

"I'll handle you later," I say to Luca. He just nods, then i turn back to Jack. "Yes he and i kissed last night before dinner. He asked me to be his girlfriend." I say looking at him.

"Lily. I don't like him, nor do i like the idea of you dating a hockey player. You don't know them like i do. Most hockey players are really bad boyfriends." He says as he crosses his arms.

"Jack i really don't care about that. He's done nothing but make me happy since i met him. You only think all of this, because that's what you are. I haven't seen one relationship of yours not go straight to shit after a few months. You wanna know why? Most of them didn't grow up around hockey. I'm used to the hectic schedule." I say to him, getting annoyed.

"That doesn't matter Lily. It won't end well." He says to me.

"Jack, I'm dating him whether you like it or not. You have two options now. You can either get off your high horse and understand that I'm happy, and it doesn't entirely include you or you can watch me be happy from a distance." I say, crossing my arms too. I hear shuffling outside my door, but jack doesn't seem to notice.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asks.

"It means exactly what it sounds like. You can either stay a constant figure in my life, or it'll turn into you being around every now and then. I'm tired of having this conversation with you." I say to him. "So either grow up, and understand that I'm gonna make my own decisions, or watch the consequences unfold." I finish, as i walk out of my bedroom. I roll my eyes at everyone who was eavesdropping.

I brush my teeth and ignore Jack's attempts to talk to me as i walk out to door, and right over to the Zegras house. I say hi to Jamie and Trevor and walk straight to Ava's room. I knock and she lets me in. I sit on her bed and fill her in on everything she's missed since i last saw her.

"Okay so let me get this straight. You moved to Anaheim and live with my brother. You're dating Jamie. And Jack doesn't like any of this?" She clarifies.

"Yep, you've got it all down." I say.

"Why does Jack have a problem with Jamie?" She asks. "He seems like a pretty cool dude."

"That's what I'm not understanding either. Like he's my twin brother, he's supposed to be happy for me. I get he's just trying to protect me, but he takes it too far." We're interrupted by a knock on her door. She tells them to come in.

"Hey you two. We're about to get on the boat, wanna come?" Trevor asks.

"Sure, just let me run over there and grab my bathing suit." I say as i get up. I run into Jamie on the way down the stairs, he's already changed.

"Hey you okay?" He asks me. "You came in and went straight upstairs."

"Yea but come with me. I don't wanna see Jack." I say, and he follows me. I fill him in on what happened when i get to my room. I grab my black bathing suit and change in my bathroom. I take one of his shirts and wear it as a cover up. We meet up with everyone. It's just the kids today. Alex and Cole got here while i was changing. When i see Cole, i give him a hug.

"Hey Cole. Long time no see." I say as we're hugging.

"Good to see you too. You'll have to fill me in on everything i missed." He says motioning to Jamie.

"I got you, but let's enjoy today first" i say laughing.

Jamie and i sat towards the front of the boat and Jack stayed towards the back. All of Lukes friends, including Luke, sat up front too. We were all talking when we made it to the sand bar we always go too. We all race to get into the water, surprisingly I'm not last but Quinn is. I hang out in the water for about an hour and half before getting tired and wanting something to drink.

I get out to to grab a water bottle and take a break to tan, and Jamie follows me. He grabs a water and hands me one. We sit down in the front of the boat, and i start putting on some sunscreen. He helps me put some on my back, and i catch a glimpse of Jack rolling his eyes. I ignore him, and hope Jamie didn't notice.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks me.

I turn to face him. "Yea I'm okay. Just a little tired." I say.

"Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with Jack rolling his eyes at us?" He asks, laughing slightly.

"Ugh you noticed that?" I said.

"Yea. it's hard not too when he makes it that obvious." He says, "don't let it bother you. If you're happy, then that's all that should matter." I turned around, facing him rather than leaning against him. My neck was hurting from trying to look at him.

"I am happy, i really am. It's just, he's my brother. If he doesn't appreciate you or our relationship, i don't know what to do." I say pushing my hair back out of frustration before continuing. "He's my best friend, and i support him in everything he does, i don't understand why this is any different." I say honestly.

"I know it's hurts and that it's annoying, but he'll come around eventually. You're his sister. His twin for gods sake." He says as he rubs my knee lovingly.

We sit together like this for an hour and then everyone else climbs on the boat. Everyone decides to drive around for a bit, and let the guys do their thing. We call it a night after another two hours. We head home and eat some dinner.

"Can you stay here tonight?" I ask Jamie while we're watching a movie in my room.

"Yea of course, just let me grab a few things." He says.

He comes back in about ten minutes, with a small bag of things. Shirts, pants, the usual nightly stuff. He lays back down with me, and we continue our movie. When the movie is finished, we go to sleep. Days on the lake are always some of my favorites.

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