Chapter 31 - Round 1

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Lily's point of view

April 18

Much to everyone's surprise, players included, the Anaheim Ducks have made it to the playoffs. No one saw this coming at all. Today was our last regular season game, and we beat the Golden Knights 5-4 in a shootout. Trevor scoring the game winning goal.

Trevor and Caroline won't admit it, but Jamie and I are pretty sure those two are dating - or hooking up - one or the other. She actually moved in with us, taking my room. Jamie and I decided that i could move my stuff into his room, we've been dating since October anyways.

Things have been running smoothly, and the first round of the playoffs start in two days. My brothers, Cole, Turcs, Jamie and Trevor all made it so this is going to be an interesting playoff run. The match ups are: Devils vs Rangers, Islanders vs Blue Jackets, Canadians vs Bruins, Maple Leafs vs Sabres, Wild vs Stars, Avalanche vs Ducks, Golden Knights vs Kings and Canucks vs Jets.

As someone with friends on a team in each match up, it's going to be a long month. Jamie and Trevor are hysterical. They weren't expecting to make it this far in the season, and now they're running around like idiots trying to get their life together. Me and Caroline are sitting on the couch enjoying the show.

"LILY HAVE YOU SEEN MY SKATES?!" Jamie yells from our room.

"They're in your bag, in your car. Where they always are." I tell him.

"FUCK WHERE IS MY JERSEY?!" Trevor yells.

"My god. Trev! It's at the arena! Where they stay!" Caroline yells back.

"It's like they don't play hockey for a living." I mumble.

"Trevor was running last night 'trying to get in shape'" Caroline says.

"They had a game last night, and this morning." I say laughing slightly.

"Hey! Stop making fun of us!" Trevor says.

"Yea! We have the right to be freaking out! Playoffs start in two days and we play the freaking Avalanche!" Jamie says.

"Yea! The AVALANCHE! THEY WON A STANLEY CUP IN '22!" Trevor yells.

"First of all, stop yelling." Caroline says.

"Thank you. Second of all, both of you represented your country at Worlds. You play hockey for a living. You play the Avalanche during the regular season. You guys got this." I say.

"She's right. You two wouldn't be in NHL if you weren't ready for this moment. Now lets pack up the circus, lets eat some lunch, and lets chill the absolute fuck out." Caroline says. The mention of food calms them completely.

"We can stay in and cook lunch, or we can go out. What are you two in the mood for?" I ask the guys.

"Lets go out. I need a good burger." Trevor says. Jamie nods his head in agreement.

"And maybe a drink." I whisper to Caroline.

"No shit." She whispers back. Trevor grabs the keys and we all head down to the car.

"Jamie you wanna check to make sure your skates are in the back?" I ask him.

"Oh yea, good idea." He says. "Um... they're not back here?"

I turn my head so fast i swear i could have whiplash. I walk around to the back of the car, and there they are. In his bag. Under his pads. Men. "Yes they are. They're right he- shit." I say. I managed to cut my finger on the blade.

"Oh shoot. Are you okay!?" He asks, panicked.

"What happened?" Trevor asks from the drivers seat.

"Someone didn't have their blades covered and i just cut the absolute shit out of my finger. Do you have any napkins up front?" I ask calmly.

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