Chapter 15 - Change.

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Lily's point of view

We've been home from Michigan for about a month now, and to say it's been rough is an understatement. I'm working with a therapy practice, and doing the photography internship with the Ducks, which is difficult to manage but I'm figuring it out. Jamie and Trevor have had practices almost everyday for two weeks, so the apartment gets lonely. I have to opportunity to work from home, because we can do over the phone appointments now.

Jamie and i have been arguing much more, and we've only been together for roughly three months now. Jamie hasn't spoken to me since last night, when he decided to pick a fight over dinner.

The boys get home from practice, and are obviously loud. Despite the fact that I warned them that I had an appointment around the time. I apologized to my client, grabbed my things, and moved into my room. I know it made Jamie mad, but I did what I had to do. I hear a knock on my door but i ignore them because my client is speaking.

"I'm coming in." I hear Jamie say from the other side of my door. "Why'd you run off- shit." He says backing out of my room.

"I'm so sorry hon. That was one of my roommates." I say to my client.

"It's no worries, I know how roommates are." My client says.

I laugh and say, "yea tell me about it."

She picks up where we left off, and I'd like to think it was a pretty successful session. We set up our next appointment, which is the same time next week. Once i packed my stuff up, i headed into the kitchen to grab a drink and start dinner. Since the guys season started, I've been cooking because they're normally too tired. To my surprise, Trevor is cooking.

"Sorry, i just needed a distraction and this was the only thing i had." He says.

"No you're fine, did you forget i had an appointment today?" I ask him.

"Oh shit. That's why you took off when we got home. I'm so sorry Lils. It completely slipped my mind." He says sincerely.

"It's alright Z. As you were." I say looking for Jamie. I see his in his room and i knock on his door.

"Come in." He says sitting up.

"Hey, did you forget i had an appointment today?" I ask him.

"Yea. I mean we had practice this morning, so it wasn't my biggest concern." He says getting annoyed.

"Right. Well it was mine. She's a very important, and sensitive, client of mine. Not only did you two make a lot of noise coming in, you came into my room uninvited. Jamie we've been over this. You can't come in if I'm on the phone. Knock, and if i don't respond, don't come in." I say crossing my arms.

"That's not important to me. I forgot about your appointment. My fucking bad. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking a nap." He says laying back down.

"No point. Z is cooking dinner." I say as i start walking out.

"Why aren't you? I mean we only busted our ass at practice this morning." He says, anger lacing his voice.

"Wow. You'd think you're dating him. He started cooking before i got out of my appointment. You know, my fucking job." I say, also getting mad.

"You should be the one cooking, not him. He's probably exhausted right now." He says.

"Jamie. The dude wants to cook, i don't understand why that's so hard for you to comprehend. He told me he wanted a distraction, so he found one. Deal with it, holy shit." I said walking out and slamming his door.

I walk into the kitchen and start trying to help Trevor, but he just tells me he's got it and that i can go sit down. I grab a bottle of wine, open it, and pour us both a glass.

"So what's going on with you and Jamie?" Trevor asks me.

"What do you mean?" i ask.

"You two have done nothing but argue for like two weeks." He says.

"I mean, I don't know. Since the season started, he's been so moody. We talked about this before we left Michigan. We said we wouldn't let hockey get between us. I'm not, but i think he is. I mean i grew up around it, i can handle the weird hours, the traveling, the attitudes after a loss, but with him it's different. He's been picking a fight over literally everything."

"Trevor i love him. I don't want this to end just because of hockey. But just now, he got mad at me because you were cooking and i wasn't. But i was mad at him for interrupting my session. I don't know what's going on, but i don't like the way it's turning out." I say honestly.

"He loves you too Lily, i see it on his face all the time. Even while y'all are arguing, he looks at you with so much love in his eyes, that it's almost sickening." He informs me.

"Not this time. Something felt different, I just don't know what." I say.

"I'm sure it's nothing. But if it makes you feel any better, my girlfriend left me this morning." He says.

"You had a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" I ask shocked.

"I didn't even tell Jack. We'd been dating before we left for Michigan. I really liked her, but she said she met someone else. That's why i needed the distraction." He says, visibly upset. I get up from my seat, and walk over to comfort him. I give him a hug, which he happily accepts. Jamie walks in halfway through the hug.

"Unbelievable. We get into a small argument, and now you're all over Zegras?" Jamie asks angrily.

"Oh god no!" Trevor says.

"Ew oh my god no. His girlfriend broke up with him, so i was just giving him a hug." I say. Jamie obviously didn't believe us, because he grabbed his things and left, going god knows where. "Jamie! Come back!" I shout down the hallway, but he doesn't listen.

"He'll be alright. He's just blowing off some steam." Trevor says rubbing my back.

"But we didn't even do anything. We just hugged, he's seen us do it a million times before. I don't get why this is different." I say, starting to cry.

"Here." He says handing me a plate. "Eat up, and we can chill and wait for him to come home. I'm sure he'll be back before midnight." He tells me. It's 6:30 now.

"That's almost six hours Trev!" I say.

"I know, just give him time." He says.

We finish up dinner, and i do dishes just to kill the time. It's only been an hour since he left and i still haven't heard from him. I'm honestly freaking out right now.

Jimmy 🥸


Come home!

Please, I'm worried about you.

At least tell me where you are.

Jamie please. It's 10:00. I'm worried

We never go to sleep mad at each other.

It's been about an hour since my last text, when i finally hear it go off. I basically jump at it. Trevor is next to me reading it at the same time as me. When i do read it, my heart drops.

Stop blowing his phone up.
He's busy with someone better.

I'm so sorry! It had to be done for the plot line. I'll make it up to you, i promise.

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