Chapter 30 - Valentines Day

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Jamie's point of view

Valentines Day

I woke up around 8:15. I thought I'd surprise Lily with some breakfast in bed because it's our first valentine's day together. I'm making her chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and some bacon.

"Morning." She says walking in. Shit.

"Morning. Why are you up so early?" I ask her.

"I heard you get up and couldn't go back to sleep. Why are you awake so early?" She asks me.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." I tell her.

"Oh are we making breakfast?" Trevor asks walking in. He has the worst timing.

"Yea Trev, we are." I say after rolling my eyes. Trevor doesn't notice, but Lily does. She doesn't say anything, but she's giving me a "what for" look. I just smile at her.

"Sweet. When will it be ready?" He asks innocently. I swear, he can't catch a hint.

"Um Trev, why don't you call Caroline or something? I think she's in town." Lily says. It's like a light bulb goes off in his head or something.

"Oh my god you're right. I should take her o- wait. She might not be interested. What do I do? Do i call? Do i text? What if she isn-" He starts rambling but Lily cuts him off.

"Trev, just call her. See if she's interested in getting dinner, after all it is valentines day." Lily says smiling at him.

"Oh yea. You're right. Thanks." He says before walking out. With Trevor gone, we can finish cooking and eating breakfast in peace. We spend our time just talking and watching a rerun of the all star games.

"So what's the plan for today?" She asks.

"Well i made us reservations at the italian restaurant downtown. I wish we could spend the whole day together, but i have practice in about two hours." I tell her. Her face lights up at the dinner reservations.

"It's okay, i have to go into the office for a meeting anyways. What time are the reservations?" She asks.

"6:45. If that doesn't work, i can call and see if we can move it." I say.

"No that works perfectly. Thank you." She says smiling.

"Of course, my love." I say before kissing her cheek. We go our separate ways because we both have to get ready for the day. I'm getting my shirt on when she walks in.

"Hey I'm about to head out." She says smiling at me. I love her smile.

"Okay, be safe. Text me when you get there?" I say.

"I will. I love you." She says before giving me a kiss.

"I love you too." I say smiling down at her. She leaves and i finish getting ready. Once I'm done, i go to check if Trevor is ready to leave. "Hey Trevor, you ready?" I ask him.

"Yea just give me a second. I can't find my shoes." He says before walking out of his room.

"They're by the front door." I say laughing at him. He just rolls his eyes at me. I grab the keys and we head to the car. "So did you end up calling Caroline?" I ask him.

"I did. We're going to a Japanese restaurant not too far from here." He says.

"Aw how cute." I say teasing him.

"Oh shut up. What about you two? Got any plans?" He asks.

"Yea we've got reservations at the italian restaurant downtown." I tell him.

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