Chapter 1

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Wednesday 6am
Here we go again  for another day, (not another slay).
7 days, it is the time remaining till I go to the United States, I am so excited but I apprehend a lot, it will be the first time living on my own and in another country. Right now I live with my parents my big brother Cruz and my little sister Carmen, near Paris. Honestly I find it boring here, even though a lot happens I don't find any joy in the habits I have made here.

Ever since I was a little kid I loved to observe the world, watching the interactions between people and meeting new friends (sometimes because I'm a veryyyyy shy girl) anyways I knew that I had to get out of here because I want to see more than this, I have to believe that there is more in this world than drunk crossing the street and cat call you, living every day the same,  seeing the same people everyday, going to the same café, doing the same job...
So when I had to chose my studies I didn't exactly knew what to do, but I decided to go into psychology because of my skills to observe people and my talent for verbal and non-verbal communication. My parents wanted me to do something right away and I wanted to take a sabbatical year, but I didn't have any choices with them. At least I put my skills to good use but still, I knew it wasn't what was right for me. So I decided to look what I could do for my fourth year, and I found out that my school has a partnership with schools all around the world including the USA! I was so hyped but I found out the only school in the USA they could offer me was the university of San Francisco, at this point I didn't knew what to do I wanted to explore NYC the city where "there's nothing you can't do". And my parents weren't crazy about me going in America but I decided I'm 21 an adult, and I'm responsible for my choices. Even though S.F. Is not NYC it still has some perks minus the pollution and I'll be farther away from Paris.

At this point the only problem was Tommy my boyfriend... if I decide to go it's because I'm depressed of where I am in life and geographically, so I want to go but I can't exactly decide to leave him behind, so I called him.
A month before:
"Hey babe I got some news about my application to San Francisco...
-So did you get it??
-Yes, I did but I don't know if I will go...
-What do you mean?
-I don't know if it's the right decision for my family, for you, for me....
-what are you talking about? You always dreamed to get out and not look back. You know you have to get away from your parents otherwise they'll drive you crazy!
-Yeah I know but-
-There ain't no but babe do it!
-And what about us?
-Well there is no questions I'm coming with you!
-Babe I'm a web designer I can literally work from everywhere so I'll come with!
-but, you're life here, all of our friends?
-oh yes that's true haha...
-you know what you can leave after me stay one more month to prepare everything and decide wisely.
- well I could use indeed a month to hangout with my family and friends, all right so we will do that, I'll talk to you later, love ya.
-See ya."

As much as I like tommy I'm not thrilled about him coming with me, it's not mean or anything because of course it will be nice having someone and bringing some of my home with me...but the purpose of this travel is to be independent and to learn who I am and what I want to do, (I know I'm the cliche of the girl trying to find herself in the movies but that's not the point) The point is starting over maybe without any bearings, just me and a new life, but does it mean I have to breakup with him for that?

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