Chapter 5

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It's gonna get interesting this chapter

"All right I love you so much babe, you text me and we are gonna call often, I'll see you in a month

-Yeah, love you too! We will call don't worry" After giving Tommy a tight hug, he quickly kisses me. I also hug Cruz hard, even though he hasn't said it, I know I'll see him soon, I get the feeling that he'll join me on the adventure.

After  some goodbyes, I go through custody and wait by the gate for half an hour, I look through my phone to check my tickets, my e-mail of welcome from the university I am going to. Once I am sure that I have evrything I take a minute to relax a bit, I close my eyes and breathe, but I don't feel relaxed, there's too much noise, especially in my row of seats. When I pay close attention I hear and see that a woman is rembling in another language, Norwegian or Swedish? to a man. But wait a minute I recognise that woman, it's the one that caught me earlier!! Without thinking more I get up, take my backpack and get closer, only then the woman talks again in english:

"You have some nerve to spill your coffee on me, and not only you don't apologise AND get mad at me?!

-Is there a problem over here? Oh. Shit. They both turn around and watch me. Where did my shy personnality go? I don't know what got into me but for some weird reason I couldn't bear seeing this woman in trouble without doing something. Even though she doesn't really seem to need my help...

-Well thi- "the man cut off the blonde who wanted to say something.

"Listen little lady if you don't know her mind your damn buisness!

-Listen you old bag what do you know if she's my buisness? From what I saw you're the one minding other's buisness since you spilled coffee on her just to see her take off her jacket, isn't that right?" As i say those words the man's eyes twitches and he starts to stutter in confusion:

"No- but it's not exactly-

-Yeah it's exactly that considering your reaction, so listen perv either you apologise and go mind YOUR damn buisness, or else I will make sure you can't perv anymore (After all I did do 5 years of karate, so I can take him down whenever I want, Im pretty proud of what I did, I can't even stand up for my self, but for her I did it.

-Listen, ma'am I am sorry for spilling my coffee on you..." The man says looking down and watching this super tall dude kinda scarry go away, makes me sigh in relief, even though i looked kinda confident i was still scared.

"Well thank you miss, even though i could have taken care of that jerk, I appreciate you getting rid of him for me, you were acting quite brave right now, contrarly of earlier, when I catched you, you seemed quite unsure and anxious, am i wrong? the lady said all of that with a smile and the situation made her laugh a bit.

-Hum yes, about earlier I wanted- to hum say thank you, that was a good opportunity to do so, i guess? I mean, i didn't mean to run into you it was just by chance.

-And there you go all anxious again, am i more intimidating than pervy guy? she suddenly looks at me with a small smirk and I can't help but blush, she obviously notices it and chuckles.

I suddenly remark that her hand is on her chest covering the coffee stain, and then i realize she got burned, she's all red, and her jacket is wet.

-Miss may i? She looks at me with a frown at first, she didn't understand my request, but as soon as i take my jacket off she looks at me with a smile.

-You are quite the gentlewoman aren't you? First saving me, then giving me your clothes.

-You could say that I guess. I can't help but smile at the woman. Her eyes are a beautiful deep ocean blue, her face has soft but firm features, she looks just like an angel, but at the same time you see that if she gets mad, she could be quite scary. Seeing that I am lost in my thoughts starring at her, she chuckles.

-Even though I like the fact that you're in awe, in front of me, I'm not done talking.

-Oh hum sorry i wasn't-- i  get cut off while i'm blushing, i feel like a tomato.

-I also like the fact that I have so much power on you already. She adds fully laughing. Unfortunetly I should go because as you can see I am-

-you're wet? Understanding the double meaning of my sentence she again laughs with a smirk on her face. Oh no. Shit. What did i say. What's happening to me. Hum, I mean your clothes are wet. Sorry for me being awkard I am usually not that-

-Anxious? Yeah like I said I think I do something to you, I think that it's cute that I make you blush."

Not knowing what to say I take off her jacket and cover her shoulders with my own.

"Thank you darling.

-You should probably go change your shirt, it's allright if you don't find me afterwards you can keep the jacket, it'll be a little reminder of our encounter.

-Aw tack älskling, in exchange i give you my splendid wet jacket, and i can't wait for a next encounter." She says that while handing me her jacket and kissing my hand, WTF.

As she goes away, I stand there like a complet idiot not totally understanding what has happened, and she turns around seeing me staring, she winks at me and disappears in the crowd.

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