Chapter 11

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I run out of the University and call Jenna in a rush:
"Girl I messed up real bad!
-Hold on what did you do?
-We kissed. Ms Larsson and I... It was great but I can't do that to Tommy I just cheated on him, fuck.
-hey sweetie it's alright mistakes happen, but from what I understand it wasn't a mistake wasn't it? Look you're obviously not super happy with your guy and honestly I don't understand why you stay with him. I'm not saying you should dump him for blondie but perhaps you should cut all ties with Europe. I mean it's what you wanted when you came here, no? Just think about it, and if you do it just say you can't do this anymore and you have to focus on your new life here, omit the fact that there's a girl.
-yeah I just have some trouble with confrontation and I feel bad for him but I don't think I love him like that anymore, I'll think about it thanks.
-no worries, wanna swing by my place?
-thanks you're sweet but I think I'll just head home."

The next day.
"Wow you look...amazing and exhausted at the same time? Is there any teacher you would want to impress perhaps?
-yeah thanks Nico, I haven't slept much. But. I thought about it I'll call Tommy, and in the meantime I wanna make a good impression for Ellinor.
-All right, but before you go any further with her I think it's only fair that you call Tommy, don't full on cheat.
-I know I know..."

I just hope I have the courage to do it...
We arrive at uni and the day goes on smoothly.
Right before my last period I receive a call from Cruz. Shit. I said I would keep him updated and I didn't.
"Bitch you better be dead.
-hey Cruz I'm so sorryyyyy
- yeah you better be, tell me everything!
-I have to be quick my next class starts in 5; so in one sentence,
I made two friends Jenna and Nico and they're super nice, I have a super cute apartment, I met a girl and I may want to leave Tommy.
-I know I know I'm a bitch, Tommy does everything for me and this is how I repay him...
-girl it was about time. It never felt truly right, furthermore I always knew you were fruity, so it's no problem with me.
Love , I know it's a lot to process. But you're gonna be just fine, need I remind you I come in 2 weeks, we'll talk more, but in the meantime don't over stress it, let Tommy go easily, start to put some distance.
-Thanks Cruz, I love you, gotta go.
-love you too hermanita."

"Miss Sinclair, class is about to start." Ellinor. She said that with a firm voice full of authority but then she winked, she freaking winked. I think I start to get what gay panic is.
Class goes well, I catch her staring at me a few times, I see her eyes tracing my body I feel them burning on me.
Obviously I stare too. She wears a white shirt that shows her cleavage and she leans on her desk. Is she doing this on purpose? She's trying to kill me.
At the end I hesitate to stay but I remind myself of what Nico said I shouldn't engage further with her at the moment...
I try to rush through the door but her firm voice catches me.
"Miss Sinclair I need to discuss something with you." I go towards her desk while Nico looks at me as if to remind me this mornings conversation.

"Why the rush darling? Greedy to escape me ? I thought you couldn't stay far from me at least that's what your eyes told me during the class...
-you've done your share of starring too.
-Ahah yes it's true I suppose, but I don't hide it." She had no shame and I'm getting too brave, fuck I need to keep my distances but she's so freaking alluring.
"We haven't finished our conversation from yesterday...
-Doesn't this whole situation bothers you ?
-No, why should it darling?
-I mean, I'm your student, and we don't even know each other.
-That's true, but you keep coming back to for more, so it mustn't bother you I suppose. As for the student thing it may not be very ethical, but you're a consenting adult, and im not going to give you a favor treatment in class that's not my style.
-All right but it's still not a good situation.
-What truly bothers you darling? Is it the fact that you've never been with a woman?" I gasp, and I go red how does she...
"How do you..
-oh please, I can sense that you're not very at ease but still you're lurking for more, you fear me and this situation but at the same time you can't seem to get away, you want this, am I right?" She walks towards me and I'm blocked against the wall, I should resist I know it isn't right but fuck I want this so bad, she puts her hand on my face, and I struggle to breathe.
-I would like an answer darling, am I right?
-That's good. Do I have to permission to kiss you?
-Yes, please.
-Ahah So demanding darling."
She plants a firm kiss on my lips, it's tender at first but then she gets more into it, she pins me to the wall and her hands parkour my body, she lays one hand on my waist and the other on my neck, gently choking it. A soft moan escapes my lips and she chuckles, man I want her so bad. The way she kisses is incredible, time doesn't seem to pass and she smells like vanilla she's so alluring...
"All right, as much as I would like to go on, i think it's time to get you home.
-hum yeah..."
While she drives me home in her Mercedes, she puts her hand on my thigh, just as she was about to remove it, I grip her hand and gently rub it. I wish we could stay like this longer I feel so safe in her presence and she makes me feel good about my self, but alas the dream can't go on,  I lean to get out of her car and she kisses me me tenderly.
-I'll see you tomorrow darling."
Please tell me what you think of this story it'll help me a lot more than you think :)

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