Chapter 7

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As I got out in the street with the friendly bartender she suddenly asks
"By the way what's your name?
-Callista and you?
-Callista, that's a pretty name, I'm guessing you're not from around here? I'm Jenna.
-You guessed right I'm from France an I have some Spanish origins.
-So why are you here? Doing some tourism?
-Yeah kinda ahah, I'm going to live here for the next few months, so I wanted to explore a bit the night life. How about you, you're from around here?
-Actually I'm from Washington DC, but I wanted a change of atmosphere so I moved here around a year ago. I don't really know what I want to do in life so for now I bartend and explore the possibilities of life.
—Yeah I totally get it, wanting to get out of home, that's why I'm here I chose to do my fourth year of studies here instead of Paris.
-At least we have that in common. She says that chuckling a bit but she then looks down and I insert that something's bothering her.
-Look Jenna it's okay to not have your life figured out yet, even though I'm in a stable situation with my studies, doesn't mean that I'm well in my life, i actually think that it's good, the fact that you're taking some time to find yourself before engaging in a job or studied. You can't compare yourself to others because we each live in our own timeline, each person is different and you can be upset about where you are in life but at the end of the day what matters is that you're happy and not doing something unpleasant for you." As I say those words she looks up at me and I see a smile, some pain behind her eyes but some comfort. I'm glad if I could bring her reassurance, honestly I just told her what I wish I was told...
"Thanks, we've only met but I can tell you're a good person.
-No worries, I'm just happy to help.
Also you're helping me too because I was scared to be alone and  with you I'm not. I was hoping that we could see each other again, since you know I'm new and stuff, I mean it's totally fine if you don't want to, I feel like a kindergartner asking you to be my friend lol, it's kinda stupid.
-No don't worry, it ain't stupid! I'm glad you asked because I honestly want to be friends to. I mean I have some friends here of course but I don't know I like how I feel around you.
-so I'll give you my number and we'll see each other soon.___
-All right text me when you get home!
-Yeah you too, it was nice meeting you Jenna!
After getting home and texting Jenna, I sit on the floor with my blanket(kinda sad I know).
And I ponder about my day, I'm super exited to have a friend here and she seems like a really nice person. I also think about the mysterious lady, I didn't even get her name...
As I drift off in my thought, I fall asleep.

I feel the soft rays of sunlight on my face, the warm emaning from my blanket and the calm surrounding me. I gotta say that's a nice  way to wake up. I check my phone and it's 8:30 am, all right I have a lot to do today so i go to the bathroom and prepare myself. It's monday, my classes start on thursday since the welcome cocktail is wednesday. I have two days to prepare myself. I'm a bit nervous honestly to start my classes, but I am also super excited!

I dress with some black pants and a beige coat, I let my hear down, wear my sunglasses and I'm off to the shops.


Two hours later, I have found some furniture so I decide to go grocery shopping.

I bought a matress and a table with two chairs and ordered the same day delivery. I know I haven't bought much, but I am not super rich and I have to get a job, so I just took the essentials.

After my shopping I decide to head home, it's 1pm and I'm starving. But on my way I see a florist and I think to myself that it would be nice to have a plant in my undecorated appartment, I feel like it would be a little more homey with some plants. As I buy my plant I take a look in the street and see Jenna, but by the time I get out of the store she has disapeared...

I get home, put my plant in the kitchen and cook for lunch. I wanna do someting this afternoon,  maybe it would be nice to explore with some company? I then take my phone and call Jenna:

"heyyyy, what's up?

-Hi, sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you were doing something this afternoon?

-Nope. Wanna do some tourism?

-Yes absolutely!

-All right, I got you, let's meet in one hour in front of last night's club.
-Okay, see you!"

Im kinda glad to have Jenna, I dont know much of her but she seems really nice and I think it's gonna be fun hanging with her.


"Hellooo, ready to explore? Unless you had anything specific in mind I'm going to give you a tour my way.

-Yes, I honestly don't know where to go, so I'll follow you.

-Okay, let's go to the cable cars, it's a great way to see the city without getting tired, and like this we can get to know each other a little more;

-yeah that sounds nice!

-So last night you said you were also here to follow your studies, but you haven't specified what's your major?

-Oh yeah true, I'm pursuing a degree in psychology.

-For real? That's incredible, no wonder I like talking to you.

-Ahah I suppose my master helps indeed. It wasn't easy choosing what I wanted to do, but luckally I was able to talk about it with my brother and he really supported me.

-That's really sweet. How many siblings do you have?

-One big brother and a little sister. How about you?

-One big brother.

-Do you get along well?

-It's actually kinda complicated with him and my mother.

-Oh.. sorry about that, do you want to talk about it? It's fine if you don't feel comfortable

-There's not much to say besides the fact that they're junkies...But hey today is your tourism day let's be happy instead." here it is again that mask, that i also saw last night, she's sad but it's not my place to say something, i'll just go along with her, and just enjoy the day, we'll probably talk more another time.

"Here we are! We didn't do an entire tour of the city but you've seen the big picture.

-Yeah it was actually nice to see it through the cable cars, in addition I didn't have the strength to walk through every street haha. So where are we now?

-The mall. I figured that you may need to buy some stuff since you just arrived;

-Thanks, that's thoughtful, I did buy some furniture this morning, however I don't have decorations and I may be in need of an outfit for wednesday.

-Nice, we're gonna get you dressed up ahah." As i walk through the doors of the mall I feel good, arms linked with Jenna, a smile on my face, I sense all the possibilities of the city and i am just happy about it. Right now I don't need anything or anyone else. But I do have a desire. To see that woman, her image is inked in my memory and since the moment I felt her, I fell under her spell...


After some shopping I decide to go home to eat dinner with Jenna. Barely ten minutes after our arrival, my furniture is delivered. At least we'll eat on a table lol.

At the end of the evening Jenna got home, and I installed my matress, took a shower and fall asleep instently.

[All right I'm sorry the begining has been kinda slow I just wanted to really describe the scenery, but no worries, romance is finally going to start next chapter, hope you enjoy :)]

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