Chapter 6

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As I prepare for the  landing i rethink about the woman, it wasn't the first time i felt like this, but this time was more intense. I haven't seen her in the plane but after all my seat is in the last rows so it would be hard to see her from so far.

Hugh, I should just stop hoping, I don't even know what am i hoping for? To see her again? For her to go to the same location as me? I don't really know what I want. I just felt since the moment she caught me, since the moment I felt her touch and talked to her, like a soft wind was over me, I felt safe and allured to her, to her beauty, the truth is I have never seen a woman like her , and the way she looked at me, i don't know... Anyways I should focuse on my arrival and stop thinking about her, after all my life is finally going to be the way I want but I should focus on my studies. I already have some trouble being with Tommy so I can't be thinking about someone else. I mean I ain't thinking about her in a romantic way it's just that I have some feelings- of admiration towards her. Even though it's just "admiration" I feel like I shouldn't feel this way, It's not right even less right for Tommy.

The flight attendant signaling the oppening of the doors gets me out of my spiraling; I have finally arrived.

After getting my luggage and passing all the visa stuff, I go through the doors and finally step in San Francisco: everything feels like a movie, I hear the cars, feel the soft, warm wind, smell the trees... While observing the new scenary of my life, a blond head caught my eye, I see a woman getting in a taxi and I think that it's her, but before I can confirm the taxi leaves.

I mean it's probably somebody else, I shouldn't get my hopes up, what are the propability that this mysterious woman took the same flight and is in the same city as me? There are hundreds of destinations and different flights, it would be crazy if it was her.. Hugh this isn't a movie I should just go on with my life.


As I step out of the taxi I look at the building of my new appartment, it's nice, I mean for a student who isn't earning a lot, it's really good. The neighborhood doesn't seem too bad, the paint on the facade looks fresh and I see no shady guy. I walk towards the concierge to get my key and i take the stairs with my big suitcase, right now i'm rethinking my life decisions lol. I finally get on the fourth floor and open the door to my new residence. I only saw the photos before renting it. It's modern and white no furniture besides the kitchen and bathroom, when you enter you're in the living room/kitchen, and there are some giant windows, it's only the forth floor but wow it offers a breath taking view on a part of the city. When you go to the left there is my bedroom all white as well and some windows but no curtains, it's okay, i never minded sunlight waking me up anyway. The bedroom is linked by an arch to the bathroom, wich contrarly to the rest of the appartment is fully black with a walk-in shower and a huge sink. I think I'm gonna like living here; it's peaceful just like I need. I am going to decorate the way I like and make some friends and simply LIVE. It's like I was living my life but for the others always being told what to do, living how I was told was not really living, I was there but I wasn't really there if that makes sense, I wasn't in control of my life and I wasn't happy. However I feel things are going to change for the better, I'm exited to see what's going to happen next.

Im kinda exhausted and I have to do some shopping tomorrow because i didn't pack enough and I don't have furniture. I also need to buy some groceries and a matress, oh shit I'm going to sleep on the floor tonight...

Well since I ain't gonna sleep much anyways I decide to go take a cold shower and prepare for a night out. I put on a black skirt along with a black leather jacket and black boots,  I like colors, I do, just not on me.

After putting on some make up and jewelry, I search for a club near my place.

I walk down the street with apprehension, hoping to meet some people and to let loose a bit because I dreamed for so long of being on my own and I finally get the chance to do it and to decide for myself. I feel like a teenager turning 18, it's a bit stupid I know but living at home I felt like a kid even though I'm 21, nobody let me decide for myself. Anyways enough rumbling and feeling sad for myself. I have arrived the location anc according to the people waiting outside I would say it's a pretty popular place. As I wait in line to enter my phone rings, I check it, it's Tommy, i let out a sigh and answer:

"hey what's up?

-what's up? Seriously? You barely texted me to say you landed safely, since that no text or call to say how are things. I was getting worried, I thought you would keep me updated honey.

-(hugh honey i hate it when he calls me like that, I'm not a middle age wife) yeah sorry, i've been busy honestly, and it's only been less than a day; chill.

-Since when do you tell me to chill, you can't be mad that i am worried about you? But yes i guess I'm a bit overreacting, you had to unpack and stuff... but anyways I think it's about night time for you? It's early here but I couldn't sleep I was thinking about you...

-yeah it's 10 pm, but you know I am actually out in the city to do some exploring, I couldn't wait tomorow. It's sweet of you to call at this hour thanks.

-No worries. But you said exploring? What are you going to do?

-Going to have a drink.

-All right, text me when you get home please. I am not thrilled that you're going to a bar and I can't watch over you, because I care and I don't want anything bad happening to you. But I love you have a nice evening.

-Yeah I'll text you. Love you too"

I know he cares and all, I feel like I'm a bitch but does he need to know my every move and watch over me, from thousand of kilometers away?

It's finally my turn to get inside and i'm already immersed by the blasting music.

I go to the bar and get a mojito, i know I am a soft girly but I want to be on my feet tomorrow.

After drinking a bit I start dancing, what I mean by that is jumping like most people because I can't dance and I don't wan't to be seen with my lame moves lol.

Honestly I don't know if it's the stress but I don't know how to go towards those people, I know great communication skills for a future therapist right?  But usually even though I'm a bit shy (or so i thought) I don't have trouble making friends and going towards the others, perhaps because usually I ain't inhibited with so much fatigue. But my true communication skills take place as soon as I ask for another drink the bartender

"Either you drunk more than one drink or your body doesn't approve mojitos because you look a bit wasted. The bartender said while laughing a bit.

-Does jet lag counts as wasted?

-Yes, haha. Honestly I can serve you another drink but you look kinda tired isn't that right.

-Honestly I am tired. But also you look bored isn't that right?

-Yeah you're right, you're perceptive haha. My shift ends right now actually do you want to get some fresh air? Looks like you could use a friend and so could I.

-Yeah absolutly, let's go."

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