Story 93: Return of the Doppelgangers: Part: 6

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The ambulance took Jackson away, the members watching sadly.

Jay B and Jinyoung accompanied them to look after Jackson and make sure everything was okay.

At that point, Jungkook was long gone.

He had escaped Bambam's angry wrath and ran out of the dorms.

Youngjae frowned as he looked through the empty streets.

I know you didn't mean to do it...

He then ushered Bambam and Mark inside the dorms to rest.

Jungkook ran as if his life depended on it.

He didnt care if he got weird glances from strangers or rude remarks when he bump into them.

He simply knew he had no where else to go.

No one else to turn to.

He was truly alone.

He stopped running when he was in front of an abandoned parking lot.

He fell to his knees and began sobbing.

He cried in frustration as he gripped on his hair tightly.

He didn't hear footsteps that approached him.

A pair of feet stood in front of Jungkook.

His doppelganger watched the other silently.

"P-please leave me alone..." Jungkook begged, his lip quivering.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Jeon."

"You've taken my hyungs...what else do you want from me?" Jungkook cried as he looked up at his doppelganger.

"We can't let you go when you know of our existence." He told him.

"I promise to never speak about this to anyone." Jungkook started. "I-If you let me go, you'll never hear from me again. Please let me leave." He begged.

"No Jeon, you're not escaping. I need you as a vessel to fully take over your identity. Without you, I won't be complete."

"Screw completing you. You took my hyungs away from me." Jungkook began to grow angry, he got up. "You made my life a living hell!"

His doppelganger sighed.

"Whether you want to or not, I will be completed." He told him.

Jungkook shook his head, backing away.

He stopped when he felt his back bump against something.

He turned around, seeing it was his hyungs, the fakes.

They began to close Jungkook in a circle.

His doppelganger beginning to walk towards him.

"This will only hurt for a moment, you'll meet with your hyungs soon enough."

His doppelganger's eyes turned black as his nails turned sharp.

Jungkook tried to escape but was held back by both Taehyung and Jimin.

They both grinned as they each grabbed each side of Jungkook's arms and broke it.

Jungkook let out an agonizing scream,  he tried to let go but felt nothing but pain and numbness.

It was then that his doppelganger stabbed him.

Jungkook's mouth opened as felt pain travel through his body.

He struggled breathing and felt his eyesight grow dark.

Jin walked up towards Jungkook, scratching himself, resulting in black blood oozing out of the wound.

He gently squeezed it and placed it on Jungkook's mouth to drink.

Jungkook didn't move, not having the energy to pull away or do anything.

I failed you hyungs...I'm sorry...

His doppelganger pulled his nails out, causing Jungkook to fall limp on the floor.

He stared up at his doppelganger silently, his eyes glazing over.

"Time's up Jeon, You'll be a great vessel to me."

Jungkook closed his eyes, giving in.

Weeks Later

The members congratulated on Jackson returning back to the dorms after a long extensive care.

They threw a party to celebrate his recovery.

Youngjae looked at the TV screen while the other chatted or ate some food, Yugyeom sat beside him.

He saw on one of the talkshow showed Jungkook and his other group mates being interviewed.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Yugyeom doing the same.

I thought they were dead...

They talked about how they took a vacation that required self isolation from everyone which explained their sudden disappearance and no contacts from everyone.

Yugyeom titled his head in confusion upon hearing the explanation. "But Jungkook told us that they were killed...he was the only one to survive..."

"I don't know anymore...I haven't seen him since he ran out of the dorms weeks ago..." Youngjae frowned.

They continued watching the TV.

"Now that we're back, be expecting great things from us." Jungkook smiled. "Time's ticking and we can't wait to show the world what we can do."

Youngjae tilted his head as he looked at the camera that zoomed in Jungkook's face when he talked.

Why does his eyes look a bit darker than normal?

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