Story 87: Doll Maker: Part: 6

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Namjoon set up the plates as Jin watched Jungkook play happily.

Jungkook sat on the grass, playing with his stuffed bunny.

He sang in words he could only comprehend.

Jin looked over at Namjoon and reached for the picnic basket, taking out the ingredients to make a sandwich.

Jungkook continued playing, he looked up as he saw something pass in the corner of his eye.

He spotted a white bunny and widen his eyes.


Jungkook got up and waddled over.

The bunny noticed Jungkook and hopped away.

Jungkook proceeded to follow the bunny, the small creature hopping towards a road.

"What kind of sandwich do you want Kookie?" Jin asked.

He looked up, noticing Jungkook was gone.

He widen his eyes.

"Kookie?!" Jin called out worriedly, he spotted the smaller boy making his way to the road.

Jin dropped what he was holding and ran after him, Namjoon followed behind.

Jungkook giggled as he almost reached out to the bunny, not noticing a truck coming at him.

"Jungkook!" Jin screamed as he continued running.

Jungkook caught the bunny and smiled.

"Got chu~"

Everything went fast.


Jin's screams echoed as Jungkook's stuffed bunny laid limp on the road, specks of blood on it.

The white bunny watched from the other side of the road before hopping away.

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