Story 24: Dying Light Part: 2

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"This is your caption speaking, buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the flight."the speaker spoke.

The seven boys sat in there own seats, sighing with relief that they're going to leave the terrible nightmare they faced.

"Guys, look at this."Jimin told, everyone peeked their heads towards Jimin, seeing his phone was showing the news.

"Today at six o'clock news, a virus outbreak has spread around Busan, its advised to stay indoors and armed. These creatures look human but they are not, they bite other people and they transform like them.
Hey, what are you doing? Get off me! Ahh!"

The members eyes widened at the broadcast.

"Creatures that look human but not?"Namjoon mumbled to himself. "What type of creature is that?"

"I don't know but this isn't good."Jin told.

"Look."Taehyung pointed outside the window, all the boys crammed together to be able to see what what happening outside, they saw people running while chased, they backed away in fear as they saw a man out the window, banging on it until it shattered.

The plane took off, moving a bit shaky, the others tired to keep their balance while trying to get the man out, at full speed, Jungkook kicked the man, seeing him fall off.

Jungkook breathed in and out heavily.

" it over?"Jungkook asked as he turned to his hyungs.

"No..."Namjoon spoke. "This is just the beginning..."

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