Story 35: Dying Light Part: 4

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The six boys ran towards the cabin, seeing a struggling Namjoon on the floor as the creature on top tried to bite him.

Taehyung turned his head, seeing a fire extinguisher by the door, the boy grabbed it in speed, slamming it towards the creature, killing it.

"Thanks Tae."Namjoon breathed in and out heavily, Jimin rushed towards Namjoon in worry of the leader, Namjoon shot Jimin a calm smile while showing his dimples.

"You okay?"Jungkook turned to Taehyung worriedly, Taehyung nodded.

"Welcome to the murder party."Yoongi slightly chuckled, he then quieted down.

"We need to land this thing."Hoseok told.

"We don't even know how to fly this."Namjoon pointed out.

"I may not know how to fly it but I can try."Jin said as he made his way to the captain's seat, removing the deceased captain of his chair.

"We should strap him in the seat so he won't attack us."Namjoon told.

Taehyung stepped on the captain's head, shocking everyone.

" that I guess..."Namjoon said.

"Sorry."Taehyung told. "I freaked out for a moment there."

"Its fine, if we have strapped him, the captain would've killed us."Namjoon explained, Taehyung nodded.

"I'm gonna make a turn back so we can stock up on some food and weapons."Jin told, using the panels on the panel board, making the plane turn the other direction. "Namjoon be my co-pilot. You five take a seat in the first class room, leave the door open though."

The five boys nodded, making their way to the seats.

The three maknaes took a seat at the back of the room, all seating together while both Yoongi and Hoseok stayed at the front but Yoongi sat on the middle as Hoseok sat at the end of the seats.

Hoping nothing bad will happen to them.

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