Story 52: Sleepwalk

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It was a normal thing for Jungkook to sleep walk, his hyungs were pretty much used to it.

They all had their rooms upstairs and downstairs where the kitchen and living room along with a library.

One of the members would randomly wake up in the middle of the night, mostly Jin or Hoseok, sometimes Taehyung, almost scared to death to see Jungkook standing by their room door, he would walk away, half of them would follow him to know where he was headed but see him pointing to downstairs.

The others shrugged it off.

After two years of this, Jungkook grew out of sleepwalking, the other would sleep in peace now but for some reason either Jin or Hoseok wake up in the middle of the night.

Having to walk towards the stairs, looking down at the darkness.

Wondering why Jungkook pointed at the bottom floor while sleepwalking.

They would hear some sort of creaking sounds at the bottom but they would brush it off.

They moved away a day later, luckily too.

The new owner who bought the home was killed the next day.

When the others heard the news, both Jin and Hoseok were glad they didn't die but sadly felt guilt for the new owner.

They didn't discuss this with the others, Jungkook included.

They were both happy Jungkook was able to point out what would've happened, or what was even in the house in the first place.

Or why that thing (or so both Jin and Hoseok thinked), planned to kill them the next day.

A/N: Sorry again for not posting, I've compared all my stories to the first one I made, which actually send a chilling vibe but I'm starting to lose that touch. I'll try to gain that vibe again. I'm not busy, that isn't why I haven't updated here, my inspiration in this book is slowly fading so sorry if I update late again :(.

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