Story 96: Stigma: Part: 4 Ft. TXT

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Next Day

Taehyun walked towards his school with a determined look.

Look for information that can be helpful to the case. If any teachers or staff question you, be sure to inform them I am working on the case.

Taehyun held onto his new detective badge inside his coat pocket.

He walked inside the school, arriving early since he knew not many students would be around.

He walked through the hallway before spotting the two lockers that were decorated with various flowers in front of them.

He noticed the two were locked.

He sighed before taking out a paperclip.

He began to pick the lock before opening up one of the lockers.

He noticed there was nothing much but spotted a picture that contained two of the murderer students and the perpetrator on the locker door.

Taehyun raised a brow and took the picture.

This could be useful for the case...but why would Taehyung kill his friends if they seemed to be on good terms?

Taehyun continued looking before closing the locker again.

He went over to the second locker, picking the lock and opening it.

He looked around, seeing the open backpack.

He titled his head and searched through it.

Had it always been open?

He saw nothing was in there except for regular school supplies.

He sighed and closed up the locker again.

A photo is enough for now...I'll check over to Jin's locker and see if I find anything else.


Hueningkai walked inside the school, he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

He couldn't sleep well due to Jungkook's disturbing revelation to Jin's murders.

He looked up, stopping when he saw another male had looked through the two lockers.

What is he searching for?

Hueningkai wasn't sure whether the other was also curious about the murders or wanted to steal property.

He walked towards the other.

"Excuse me, you shouldn't be breaking into the lockers." Hueningkai told him.

The male looked over at Hueningkai.

He saw him taking out a badge of some sorts.

"I am a detective, I am investigating this case and trying to find evidence." He told him.

"I see...I'm sorry to have bothered you."

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