Story 86: Doll Maker: Part: 5

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Namjoon researched on his computer, looking for any posts about dealing with a dead loved one.

He sighed in defeat as he was unable to find anything that relates to his current situation.

He turned his head as he heaed faint footsteps pass by the room.

He got up and opened the door slightly.

He peeked his head out as he saw Jin carrying the doll inside their shared room.

Namjoon closed the door, taking out his phone and saw it was already nighttime.

He stayed in the room for a bit, thinking of a next step to his plan.

Throw the doll out once Jin is asleep.

Namjoon waited patiently for a half an hour before leaving the room.

He tiptoed to his and Jin's shares room.

He opened the door quietly, seeing Jin fast asleep as he held the doll close.

Namjoon walked inside, noticing Jin had dressed the doll in Jungkook's pajamas.

Namjoon walked in front of Jin, grabbing a pillow.

He took a quiet breath, he gently grabbed the doll then quickly switched it out with the pillow.

Jin shifted, hugging the pillow as he continued sleeping.

"Sorry Jin...this is for your own good." Namjoon whispered, he walked out of the room.

He made his way downstairs as he carried the doll.

"No matter how delusional Jin is. You aren't my son."

He walked outside, he went towards the garbage bin by the side of the street.

He opened the lid and placed the doll in.

He then piled other trash on top of it so Jin wouldn't find him.

Namjoon closed the lid and walked back inside.

He went back to the room and changed into his pajamas,

He laid down on the opposite side of the bed, giving Jin his own space.

He closed his eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

Unaware that Jungkook stood behind him.

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