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Khushi stood wondering if she should go down and talk to Lavanya and tell her what? but did she even have an option in the first place?

Given the scenario, she was sure that no person in the house would want to talk to her after today's incident.

Whatever it was Lavanya was her friend and she couldn't let her be on her own and she needed to go down.

NK please go and rest, I will meet Lavanya and come to which NK just nodded and went to his room tired from all the events that took place today.

When Khushi came downstairs she was engulfed by Lavanya in a tight hug and soon Khushi too forgot her worries for some time and relaxed in her embrace.

Chamkili!! How are you? We are meeting after such a long time! said Lavanya excitedly.

Looking at Lavanya's excitement Khushi also couldn't control her smile.

I am fine, Lavanya. How are you? - asked Khushi

We can talk upstairs, Come let's head to the guest room. You might be tired from the journey as well - told Khushi

Sure chamkili!, Let's go saying this Lavanya followed Khushi upstairs.

Once reaching the room, Where is ASR? I called him to tell him, I had reached the airport but he didn't pick either nor he returned my call asked Lavanya.

Khushi stood confused not knowing what and how to tell Lavanya about all this and how much of it.

Did he know that you are going to come today? - asked Khushi slightly confused

Yes, Khushi. He was the one who told me to come here because you might need a friend at this point of time - said Lavanya shocking Khushi

What? What did he tell?  asked Khushi wanting to know more.

He told me about your wedding and the circumstances and what is happening now in the house and asked me to come and help you, as you might be feeling very lonely at this point! - Lavanya told Khushi

What the hell! He calls you and tells you his sob story, for you to come and help me or to convince me to stay in the house! he is never going to change - Khushi said fuming in anger!

Lavanya was surprised to see Khushi in so much anger and that too for ASR. She had known Khushi to be calm and composed no matter what the situation was. But never expected Khushi to react this way.

Khushi! I am here as a friend not as his ex or his friend. You are my friend so I thought I could be your support dealing with such situations whatever it may be! and Arnav didn't tell me about you staying in RM or not. He just told me the situation with you and Payal is also not that great so you might need a female who can understand you that's all.

I have never seen you lose patience when ASR treated you so poorly either. I understand the things that he has done are not forgivable, but don't allow that to make you a bitter person Khushi! - said Lavanya calmly seeing Khushi jumping to conclusions without letting her finish.

Khushi tried calming herself down for bursting out in anger. Lavanya was right. Why was she showing so much anger on her? She was nowhere at fault and she was also broken by the same person who was responsible for her pain as well.

I am sorry, Lavanya. I don't know what is happening to me these days, I just am so tired of everything. With that Khushi started crying and sobbing.

Soon Lavanya held her in her arms and Khushi completely broke down and narrated everything from the beginning till what happened today as she was hitting her breaking point keeping it all within herself.

Lavanya was a strong woman when she knew she could never be what Khushi was to Arnav. She had backed away as she didn't want someone to treat her and love her for the sake of it. She knew she didn't deserve it. She had kept her self-respect aside and tried to do anything and everything his family asked so that she could be their DIL and ASR's wife. Looking back she regretted that. She was happy the way she was! yes, Khushi made her a better person along with the knowledge of the culture and traditions but that didn't mean she was not fit to be someone's wife before.

But looking at Khushi's condition she felt that if she had judged poorly ASR would keep her friend happy and his heart lies in Khushi.
Khushi's self-respect had not just broken but stamped multiple times again and again sometimes by ASR and sometimes by his family. The girl was broken beyond limit Lavanya thought listening to Khushi's cries. Lavanya realized that Khushi cried for the lack of trust Arnav showed, the lack of respect in their relationship, and tired of everyone taking her for granted. Looking at her now she thought she would do what was right for both Arnav and Khushi and even if it meant helping them part ways so be it! she came to a conclusion.

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