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Khushi kept herself busy in her work studying and referring to the materials given to her in the class unaware of the fact that NK had a confrontation with Arnav and every truth was out about their marriage.

Whereas for NK this truth about his best friend and his first true love and his cousin that he admired came as a huge blow and surprise for him and couldn't imagine or even think in his wildest dreams that his nannav would do something like this so low and that too to his friend and the person he claimed to love Khushi Ji.

Nk knew his brother had some solid reason to get into this contract kind of marriage and Khushi Ji to agree for his blackmailing to his farce of a marriage. But now he was not in a condition to forgive his brother because apparently from few days in RM anyone can behave however they want and speak however they like because they are in pain or hurt or in guilt and each one of the family members justified this kind of behavior be it for Anjali di or Mami or Nani even Arnav. But for him right is right and wrong was wrong no matter what! Period. That is what he believed and he now felt disgusted with each one of them including Nani Ji to even stay there as they pretended to be all perfect to the outside world so broad-minded and everything but inside torturing an innocent person for no reason!

6.00 p.m

Khushi was keeping her things back in her place and arranging it while Arnav came back from the office who looked tired from work or so she thought!

Khushi decided to go to the terrace and breathe some fresh air as he can do whatever he wants in his room she thought not wanting to initiate or have any conversation with him. She believed at RM the less she spoke the better for herself and the people didn't deserve her nor her words.

Arnav got confused seeing her leave as soon he entered the room, so he thought of asking her.

Arnav: Where are you going to?

Khushi: To the terrace not wanting to bother you or anyone of your family member anymore with my presence now.

Arnav (desperately): Khushi Please.....I can't take this anymore with you not talking to me and moving away from me and with di not understanding me and now NK also...

Khushi (confused): NK?? What did he do? Did he fight with you over anything?

Arnav (sighs): He got to know about our contract marriage and blasted on me for that.

Khushi (surprised): How? Who told him?

Arnav: I told him as he barged into my office and questioned the truth about our marriage.

Khushi( shocked): You told him? You were the one who told me to not tell this to anyone and now you went and told by yourself! Great!

Arnav looks at Khushi and then says

Arnav: Maybe I didn't want to lie to myself and even others as I am tired of denying the truth than accepting the blame for it.

Though Khushi was surprised by this confession didn't show it on her face.

Khushi: All this could have avoided if I had seen the truth before.

Arnav:(confused) What are you talking about?

Khushi: With your behavior at Sheesh Mahal I had to know that you are totally different from others, but no I didn't, and then I worked at your company despite knowing that you would make my life hell with me almost losing the life I continued my visit to RM because somewhere I let your sister play with our financial conditions and agreed to train Lavanya. What I didn't understand is why was Lavanya even asked to train to be a suitable bride for you? you both were in the fashion industry and she was a model and it was under both yours' and her consent that you agreed for live-in. She was asked to seek Gyan on sacred and holy books, culture, and appropriate dressing and to get adjusted to the household of RM whereas the eldest son thought all of this was crap and never believed in God. Such hypocrisy that their son can be however he wants but their DIL should be the ideal one or a scapegoat to bear the brunt from you + your family as well.

Why is that your family expected us to be those TV serial bahus who knew how to handle household basically like maid doing everything while others can relax and rest? Why was Mami never told to correct behavior in a more stern way else it can be a police case for mental harassment. Why no one told you or corrected you when you derived pleasure insulting me IN front of others and as usual inside the four walls?

Why you never even showed interest to at least educate me on the things that are essential to lead a decent life or even your brother Akash for Payal.

Why is that your family didn't take me seriously or my sister? as if we are not humans?

Khushi bitiya you know na how chote is, Khushi Ji don't be sad you know na how Chote is?? over and over again and now you know na Anjali ji is hurt! Payal bitiya you know na Manorama is like that only!


The rest of them can die if they want! is people's mentality here.

Khushi(sighs): I just wanted to tell you I will be leaving RM in the next 15 days as our contract ends in the next 14 days and I will leave the next day!

Arnav(shocked): Khushi... forget the contract. I want to make you mine as my wife for my life legally and in the right way this time. Please don't say NO!! Please...

Khushi looked back at him who was almost in tears....with the fear of losing her.

Khushi: you already lost the chances to make me yours by asking for a proper wedding on your brother's wedding and then when you came back from the clutches from Shyam but you didn't. Instead, you blamed me for all miseries in your life. So you have lost all your chances to have me in your life now! The answer is NO. I don't want to marry you or be a part of your life anymore. Period!

She left the room shutting the door behind her knowing that she cant handle herself if she sees Arnav going weak in front of her!

Arnav bursts into tears which he has been holding for a while now not knowing where his life is taking him with his Khushi going away from him and he cannot do anything to stop her!

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