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Khushi got ready and she looked at her watch. She still had half an hour to leave for the class she thought. In her nervousness of attending her English and Aptitude classes she got ready a bit earlier than necessary but now she was getting jitters thinking about the people and the teachers who taught there and students who already conversed in English she thought. Will she ever be like them she thought! Feeling her self confidence being low. NK came to their room where Arnav was busy stealing glances at his beautiful wife whereas his wife was busy in her own thoughts which he had no idea about.

NK(smiling): Khushi ji shall we go?

Khushi(smiles): Okay Nanhe ji I am ready....

ASR(confused): Where are you guys going?

Khushi was scared thinking what to tell him now she didn't want to tell him about her future plans now not yet and she didn't feel like sharing it with anyone with everything happening in the house not that anyone cared for her even for that matter she thought!

NK(smiles): Nannav Khushi has joined a cooking course where she can learn extra skills and so many dishes. She always gets bored sitting here inside these four walls as most of them will be busy with di and you know the reasons why ! so she decided she will learn something during the meantime.

Arnav gulped looking at both of them because he knew any sane person would go mad sitting all day in these four walls and when his family doesn't seem to care anything more other than his di he thought. He will have to speak with di and Payal and Nani he thought now that Mami is gone at least for a few days.

ASR(sighs): Okay take care...Bye Khushi...

Khushi: Bye...

With that both leave the room when Arnav keeps looking at the retreating figure of Khushi.

Arnav was packing his things to go to his office when he knew his di would come running to him anytime now wanting to give him the update about what her beloved Shyam ji has told her and he thought he will leave after that once he makes sure everything is going on according to his plan.

There was a knock on the door and he thought it's Anjali and opened the door and was confused to see Payal standing.

ASR(confused): Payal ? What are you doing here?

Payal: Arnav ji I wanted to talk to you

ASR: Come in, tell me what is it?

Payal came inside the room and looked here and there making Arnav confused

Payal: Khushi??

ASR: Khushi has gone out with NK....

Payal just nodded her head to his reply

Payal: Arnav ji...I wanted to tell you that Akash ji is a good man but he is stuck between Sasuma and me and after what happened to di he was paying attention to di more than work in the office. He did not do it on purpose .I just wanted to tell you please be gentle with him as he has been stressing out too much especially after what you told him a few days ago in the study! I told Khushi also to speak to you about these but she told it's their official matter and you and Akash ji will handle it on your own and not to poke nose in that but still I thought...

Arnav looked surprised, thinking Akash had gone and told Payal about this when this was totally an official matter as he didn't feel the need to tell her also Payal had spoken to Khushi about it but Khushi had not told him about this he thought..

ASR: Did Akash tell you all these?

Payal: No No...I came to give you tea it is when I heard that's all he didn't tell me anything

ASR(sighs): Look Payal I understand you are concerned about your husband but you should also remember he is not just your husband but also a CFO of a company and it's a huge responsibility. Employees idolize us as their models to work like us and be responsible like us and being in such post it has some sense of dignity and responsibility to carry on the shoulders and I am not a mad person who wants to be on the call every time in the home its because if I work 100% my employees will work at least 80% seeing me this is how the system works and if they ever see any of us slagging automatically the people who work under us will also lose interest as their leader himself is not interested. I don't want Akash to be that kind of a leader in the company who works whenever he wants. People say not to have business with the family members but I have taken that risk trusting Akash completely and he will have to live up to that no matter what and plus I will be there whenever he needs me in office or here at house but he still needs to know I am the CEO and Director of AR who will think about the company not about relationships when it comes to the existence of the company no matter who tells me anything and that is the reason Khushi knew not to speak about this because she knew I hate when someone interferes in my company matter unless and until I ask them.

Payal gulped looking at Arnav who directed his words to her telling her indirectly not to repeat this again.

Payal: Okay Arnav Ji I will keep this in mind and she turns to leave...

ASR: Payal one's high time for you to stop blaming Mami for yours and Akash relationship and problems. Mami was like this before and this is nothing new to you and still you both went ahead and married thinking your love is enough and you will be able to be happy and don't let others have your strings of your relationship with your husband be it Mami or anyone...either you change or change her one thing has to definitely change.. because when you realize you need to take things in your own hands it will be too late...Trust me!

Payal( surprised): Okay Arnav ji...

Payal left the room clearly surprised as it was the first time Arnav was speaking to her about her relationship and Mami and advising on it.

As soon as Payal left Anjali came to the room happily which was no surprise for Arnav..

Anjali( happily): Chote I called Shyam ji and told him that you agreed to let him come home. He told me he will come here in a few days as he is out of the city for a few days...I am so happy Shyam ji will be back!

Arnav just nodded his head to her words...

ASR: Di ask everyone to gather in the hall. I have to tell you all something.... I just have 5 more minutes to leave for office.

Anjali(smiles): Okay Chote...I will tell them...

She leaves from there happily...


Akash was also there as he had to finish some paperwork before going to office and he thought he would go with Bhai.

Nani, Anjali, Akash and Payal and NK who had dropped Khushi while entering the mansion was confused to see Arnav with others.

ASR(sternly): As you know I have asked Di's husband to be here at Shantivan and he will be here in a few days and now it's high time everyone starts behaving properly with Khushi as well. From today Khushi will be allowed anywhere and everywhere inside the house and outside the house as well she will have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the dining table. I am not going to ask you people to talk to her but everyone in the house I mean everyone will give her the respect she deserves being the eldest DIL of the house and also being my wife and most importantly for still being with us when no one even cared for her these days. In case if I get to know that any of you are not respecting her or going against my wishes I will consider that you are going against me and that is not what anyone wants here in RM! I hope that is clear!!

With that Arnav leaves and rest others also disperse to their rooms where as NK has a broad smile thinking ASR at least is trying to come to the right track he thought!

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