The Real Prince Bumblebee (3/?)

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In a dark cave Hot-Rod and Wheelie look in fear of the crystals that cover the cave.

Hot-Rod: Hello? Where Am I?

Evil laughter echo's in the cave.

Bee: The caves beneath the royal castle, Once home to
greedy boys who wanted to claim the energon that could be found farther in.

Bumblebee's face disappears to another crystal.

Bee: And now your prison.

Wheelie tries to run away.

Wheelie: I want my mommy!

Bee: It’s no use, No one can hear you, and no one will ever think to look for you either.

Bumblebee chuckles.

Bee: Most bots have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the perfect place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans.

Bumblebee laughs before being cut off.

Hot-Rod: Plans? What plans?

Bumblebee looks at him with a smirk.

Bee: Well the plans for your brother of course!

Hot-Rod: Don't you dare do anything to him you monster!

Bee: the only way to stopping me is to catch me!

Bumblebee disappears and reappears on a different crystal, Hot-Rod shoots at it, then he continues to do this until he shoots a huge cluster of crystals and they fall only to reveal Bumblebee who looked scuffed up and no crown on his head.

Bee: No, Wait!

Hot-Rod jumps him, hitting him the ground, Wheelie just stands in the background crying.

Bee: Please...don't hurt me...

Bumblebee looks up at him.

Bee: Hot-Rod it's me, Please, you have to believe me. I’ve been imprisoned like you. The Bumblebee who brought you down here was an impostor.

Hot-Rod: Likely story.

Bumblebee sits up, and hugs him after Hot-Rod remembers that the other Bumblebee didn't hug him back and hugs him back.

Hot-Rod: You remember me...

Bee: Of course I do. How could I forget the youngling I loved to sit for the

Wheelie goes over to him and sniffles.

Bee: C'mon here sweetie.

Wheelie cries as Bumblebee hugs him as well.

Wheelie: I want my mommy...

Evil laughter echo's in the cave again.

Hot-Rod: We have to get out here.

Hot-Rod helps them up and looks into the dark cave and looks back the two.

Hot-Rod: We have to stop her


Words: 384 💀

Ok later Haters 💚🖤

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