This Day Aria (4/?)

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In the dressing room of the royal castle are mannequins around the room wearing suits and dresses, Bumblebee walks up to a mirror and looks at himself before turning into a fem-bot who has emerald green optics

?: This day is going to be perfect.
(using her magic to put a rose in her vail)

? twirls and holds out her left servo and looks at where the ring will be.

?: The kind of day which I dreamed since I was small.

?: (making the mannequins bow) Everybot will gather-round say I look lovely in my gown.

She looks back into the mirror.

?: What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

Back in the cave, Bumblebee, Hot-Rod and Wheelie are walking through the tunnels of the cave.

Bee: This day was going to be perfect...

Bumblebee looks at his left servo that has a ring that has a diamond on it.

Bee: The kind of day which I dreamed since I was small...

Bumblebee holds his servo close to his spark.

Bee: But instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate, My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all...

Back in the dressing room:

?: I could care less about the dress,(kicks a table with a basket of flowers) I won't partake in any cake.

She goes up to a mannequin that has a top hat, and caresses its cheek

?: Vows? Well, I'll be lying when I say.

She looks at the mannequins.

?: (Dramatically) That through any kind of weather, I’ll want us to be together, the truth is I don't care for him at all!

She vaporizes the top with her magic.

?: No, I don't not love the groom! In my spark there is no room!

She looks back at the mirror and transforms back into Bumblebee.

Bee: But, I still want him to be all mine!

In the cave the three are looking for an exit.

Bee: We must escape before it’s too late, find a way to save the day! Hope? I’ll be lying if I say!

Bumblebee looks around for any exit.

Bee: I don’t fear that I may lose him to one who wants to use him!

They see a mine cart.

Bee: Not care for, love, and cherish him each day!

Bumblebee tries to push it but fails.

Bee: For I oh so love the groom, all my thoughts he does consume...

Hot-Rod helps him so does Wheelie help him move the cart.

Bee: Oh, Optimus Prime! I'll be there very soon!

They successfully push the cart and hang on for dear life until the cart hits a crystal sending them flying and Bumblebee uses his magic to float in the air.

Bumblebee walks through the double doors wearing his gold trimmed dress and continues to walk through aisle as the flower-bots, Frenzy and Rumble, throw flowers.

Bee: Finally the moment has arrived, for me to be one lucky bride!

The three hit a rock wall.

Bee: Oh, the wedding we won’t make, he’ll end up marrying a fake!

Bee: Optimus Prime will be...

?: Mine! All mine!


Words: 523 👍

Ok later haters! 💚🖤

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