The Real Wedding (6/6)

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A few days later they prepare for the real wedding and Bumblebee is actually enjoying the preparations.

In the kitchen:

Ratch: Fresh cinnamon cupcakes!

Bee: I'm actually allergic to cinnamon...

Ratch: Don't worry I made you something special!

Ratchet pulls out a tray of chocolate chip cookies and Bumblebee instantly takes one.

Bee: These are delicious thank you Ratchet.

Ratch: Anything to make the prince happy.


He's finishing up Bumblebee's dress.

Both Hot-Rod and Bumblebee walk in.

Knock: Ah there you are!

Bee: How is it coming along?

Knockout shows him.

Knock: It's coming out nicely.

Bee: Oh! I almost forgot. Did Starscream come in yet?

Knock: He did. I just measured him and his belly was showing a little. Why do you ask?

Bee: Oh nothing.

For the rest of the day Bumblebee enjoyed preparing for his big day.

The next day they all got ready for the big day.

At the ceremony:

King Arthur stands in the middle of the altar and Optimus stands the left of him and the music starts playing, the flower-bots Frenzy, Rumble and Wheelie throw flowers on the aisle as Bumblebee walks through the double doors wearing his wedding dress and his horns tips being red then fade to blue and back to their original gold color.

Hot-Rod stands next to Optimus.

Hot-Rod: (whispering to him) He's absolutely stunning, how did you manage to get him to marry him?

Optimus: (whispering back) just got lucky I guess.

Bumblebee makes it to the altar and both of them stand Infront of King Arthur.

King Arthur: Fem-bots and Gentle-Bots, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Prince Bumblebee and Optimus P-

Optimus: (chuckles) Optimus, is fine.

King Arthur: the union of the real Prince Bumblebee and Optimus, The strength of their commitment is clear. May we have the rings, please?

Hot-Rod gives him the rings.

The rings:

The rings:

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Omg picture book 😨

King Arthur: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Bumblebee and Optimus walk to the balcony and wave at everyone who's at the courtyard.

They all cheer at them, and Bumblebee and Optimus face eachother and hold eachother and Bumblebee's back faces the courtyard and Optimus's back faces the others as they share a kiss.

They live happily ever after the end 😀

Words: 393 😧

Ok later Haters! 💚💙💜


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