Hashtag Oops

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Lol it's been awhile.

Skullcruncher growls as a light scans through him.

On the other side of the screen is Agent Croft, her smile disappears the moment her brother, agent Schloder. He gasps when he sees what's on the screen, she quickly closes the screen.

Schloder: Executive Agent Croft,
What are you doing here?

Croft looks at him annoyed.

Croft: Quality control. Why are you not out in
the field, Agent Schloder?

Schloder:  We haven't received
any Decepticon alarms.

Croft: Why wait for alarms? Decepticons are all around us, disguised in plain sight.

Schloder: Well, yes, and GHOST gets involved
when they start trouble.

Croft: They are trouble, inherently. Let's not wait for it to start before acting.

Schloder: But we have state of the
art surveillance and analytics to assess threat levels, and keep us ahead...

Croft: Global Hazard and
Ordinance Strike Team. Which part of the GHOST
acronym makes us sound like a reactionary agency?

She faces back to the screen.

Croft: Your team's Deception arrest
record is light this month. Go do your job, little brother.

Schloder: Can do, sis. I mean, yes,
Executive Agent Croft.

Schloder leaves before Croft turns back on the screen of her “Quality Control”.

Schloder: (over radio) All recovery agents deploy. We have a mission.

Everyone rushes over to their vehicles and drive off through the hologram mountain.


In the Maltos barn, the terrans are very cramped in the small barn:

Nightshade: Can you move your...Agh.

A jet can be heard transforming in the background as Bumblebee walks into the barn.

Bee: Okay, focus up. I know it's a
little tight in here with all the new
members of our t…

Bumblebee holds his digit to correct himself.

Bee: -Family, but while Robby
and Mo are in human school, I thought we could talk about the most important part about being a Transformer.

Nightshade: Having an adequate space
in which to learn and live?

Bee: Choosing your alt mode.

He transformers infront of the Terrans to show an example and an unfamiliar bot peaks their head through the door of the barn.

Bee: An alt mode isn't just
another way to get around. It's a form of protection, protection for you
and this whole family. GHOST is out there arresting any Cybertronian they find, so staying safe, and staying hidden is all the more important.

Hashtag giggles at the thing she searched on her tablet.

Bee: How is that funny, Hashtag?

Hashtag: Okay, so it sounded like you were gonna talk for a really long time, so I looked up Bumblebee alt mode, and…

Thrash: Whoa. You're so…

Twitch: Cute!

Jawbreaker: Small.

Nightshade: And this was a disguise?

Hashtag: Is this you?

She flips over her tablet to show Bumblebee, his old alt-mode, and the unfamiliar bot starts laughing, giving themself away.

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