The Return of Lost Island

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The barrage of attacks continued as the Merry got closer and closer, the ship weaved and dodged the oncoming cannonballs one after the other, in a desperate attempt to make its escape.

"Apis, it's dangerous! Get back inside, where it's safe!" Yukiko shouted over the numerous explosions.

"I can't leave Grandpa Ryu all by himself!" Apis shouted back, then rose back on to her feet and took off running to the back of the ship.

"Apis, wait!" Yukiko called after the girl but was stopped when Usopp stopped her.

"I'll look after Apis, You go get ready to go with Luffy and the others." He said pointing at his chest.

"...........Alright. You be careful." Yukiko said.

"You too." Usopp nodded.

Then Yukiko turned to her Pokémon and gave out orders.

"Mewtwo, take out the closest ships and hurl them toward the others! Rubius use Twister and Whirlpool! Blaise, Hielias, scorch them with Flamethrower, Petal, Sunny Day with Solarbeam, Pachi, Thunderbolt!" Yukiko yelled.

Her Pokémon got to work as Mewtwo lifted multiple ships in the air and launched them into other marine ships. Rubius used raging moves to knockout other ships while the others blasted away multiple marine soldiers.


"This is madness!"

"Sir, we're taking a beating!"

"What do we do?!"

But then Yukiko realized.....

"USOPP!" She shouted right into his ear forgetting the honorific in her frustration. Usopp flinched back, startled.

"What!?" He asked her confused.

"Where's Apis?" She wasn't with him when he came back around. He said he would look out for her. She was starting to think that maybe she should have followed when Apis ran off.

"Ahhh! Apis, she just jumped off the ship and ran down the rope to Grandpa Ryu. I tried~to get her to come back... but... but, she ignored me!" Usopp explained crying pathetically.

"But she's okay." Tsuna pressed.

"Oh yeah, she's fine...Ah!" Usopp's calm mood shattered when he remembered what he was saying just a moment ago. "But we're not Tsuna-chan. The ship! The ship! It's been hit! No! What are we gonna do, I'm too young to become a skeleton!" Usopp resumed his end of the world one man dialogue.

"That's it! That's it! Go!" Shouted Luffy from the figure head.

"Hey! A balls coming this way!" Luffy yelled to nami, not looking at all worried.

"I can't do anymore than this! Do something on your end!" Nami yelled at them from the kitchen, where she was controlling the ship.

"Mewtwo!" Yukiko yelled as Mewtwo halted the ball and back at the marines, breaking the mast off of the ship that fired the ball in the first place.

"Cool!" Luffy and Usopp shouted in awe.

"Nicely done." Sanji said.

"Not bad." Zoro admitted.

The sound of an alarm echoing off the ocean brought everyone's attention back to the danger at hand. "That's a large cannon!" Usopp exclaimed, gawking at the huge cannon right at the center of the ship.

"So cool!" Luffy gasped in wonder.

"A direct hit from that and our ship's going to be blown to shreds!" Nami cried, sweating bullets.

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