Bad News

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The day went by looking grimer and grimer in Yukiko's mind.

She first learned from Nami that Merry couldn't be fixed as she feared, meaning they will need a new ship.

Merry's keel was damaged.

From what she knew, The keel is the life of a ship, it supports every other part and makes sure everything doesn't fall apart, once it's damaged it can't be repaired, and will only get worse and will happen fast.

And there's no way of replacing the keel, or remaking the ship. Without the same keel it would never be the same ship.

It's a miracle that she got them this far.

Then Usopp got mugged by some thugs calling themselves the Franky Family.

Yukiko figured it would be very hard to tell him as well. She did learn Merry came all the way from his village and was a present from a friend of his.

She couldn't bear the thought of losing such a precious treasure.

After the others got Usopp and got the gold back, Luffy said they had to say goodbye to Merry here. He also said that she was too good to be taken apart for scrap wood, so they would give her a proper funeral.

The only one opposed was Usopp which Yukiko figured.

Which escalated into a conflict.

Yukiko couldn't bear seeing them fight so she chose to stay out of this one.

Sitting at a distance with Pachi away from seeing Luffy and Usopp's fight, but still looking at Merry.

Yukiko didn't notice someone behind her.

It was the man they called Franky.

Franky is a powerfully built man with a height of at least seven feet. His forearms are relatively enormous while his biceps are comparably small. His chest is well-toned with large abs and pectoral muscles. He has brightly colored blue hair and blue star tattoos on his forearms. Franky's eyebrows are rather long and stern, and he has three prominent lower Matsuge on each eye. His chin is very angular and tapers off in three pointed clefts. Franky has an equally angular prosthetic nose made of iron with several rivets and jagged edges, the only replacement part of his exterior body that is not covered in artificial skin.

She's not gonna question why he wore a speedo.

"You a part of that crew Missy? Why the long face?"

"..........My captain, boyfriend and our sniper are fighting. We learned our ship can't be fixed. Her keel......" Yukiko said as she paused.

".......I see, that's why that guy had all that gold, it was for repairs, right?"

"Yeah, but he's opposed to leaving Merry. She was a gift from a friend of his. Now this is happening. Seeing your friends fight is bad enough, but your nakama, your's like seeing your family fall apart." Yukiko said with a sad look.

Then she saw Franky going all weepy.


"Sowy, I couldn't help it. I could tell you guys really love your ship just from your speech. I couldn't help but feel sorry for you all." He cried.

".............Thanks. I'm Yukiko by the way, Strawhat horticulturist and Beast Master. And this is Pachi."

"Cutty Flam, but you can call me Franky." Franky smiled.

Then Pachi looked another direction and panicked.

"What is it?" Yukiko said.

Then she looked and gasped.

Robin had returned with injuries.

Serious ones.

"Robin!" Yukiko ran over to her, quickly having Bliss look her over.


"Robin, what happened?" Yukiko asked as they got to the Merry to tend to her injuries.

"CP9. They are here." Robin said in a grim voice.

"CP9? Are they from the government?" Yukiko asked.

"I suppose you can call them the dark side of justice. They're a secret government agency that deal with assassination and all the darker parts of the government. I was taken by one of their agents, who propositioned me. They wanted me to assassinate Iceberg, have him pin the blame on all of you, and leave everything to be pinned on you. And they would take me in. They said they would leave you all alone if I went with them…then they asked me of one more favor I refused. They want to get you as well Miss Beast Master." Robin said gravely.

"What?! Why would they target Yukiko?" Nami asks.

"Obvious, it's for her Pokémon. Apparently the navy scientists of the SSG want to know how they exist and how they function. They believe they could be a possible replacement for the Warlord System against the Four Emperors." Robin said.

"Replacements? More like they want to treat them as living weapons! I'm not subjecting my family to that!" Yukiko said furious, Luffy was mad too but kept a hand on her shoulder to ease her anger.

"I figured that's what you'd say. Anyway, I refused and they attempted to attack me. I managed to get away, but they'll be back...." Robin winced in pain.

"But wait, why replace the Warlord System? I thought that they were seen as heroes." Chopper asked.

"Simple, giving them a sanction won't make them obedient. It would enable them to do any dirty work under their noses. And they are still pirates. They do as they please. And not everyone likes them either, saying they are just a bunch of looters. Crocodile was an example that people shouldn't trust them." Zoro said.

"So, what do we do?" Franky cut in.

"Huh? Franky?" Luffy asked.

"These guys are threatening Robin, Yukiko, and Iceburg, and he's an old friend of mine, it's become my business too." The cyborg said.

Yukiko smiled as the crew all agreed. This CP9 will be sorry they messed with the Strawhats.
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And I'm gonna have a certain Trio emerge this time along with a certain Duo.

And yes they will be Legendaries.

Here is a hint, they will be from the Hoenn Region!

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