One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava pt 3

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When the surge of angelic energy hit Hell, only those with enough power felt it.

Among them was the King of Hell himself.

Lucifer Morningstar.

He remembered all kinds of angel energies over his time, but this was new.

It was certainly female. But there was also a mix of energies with it. Particularly a bit tainted, but the good energy dulls it out.

He also sensed other news souls but they did not feel dead either.

He has to find where the new sinners are.

He looked like he was expecting them to be near the palace or in town, but they were at the Hazbin Hotel...

He has to head over.
So, Charlie had to decide to let the Strawhats stick around because Alastor also told her that he sensed they still had their souls...

But Vaggie interjected that she wants to interrogate them first.

Charlie came to an agreement after they ask of their life stories.

First was Zoro.

Although Angel attempted to flirt with him...

"Mr. Roranoa."

"Zoro is fine. Got any booze?"

"Wait, this is a rehab hotel-!" Vaggie protested only for Husk to hand the wolf a bottle.

"On the house. Strong stuff too."

The alcohol provided, Charlie cleared her throat.

"So Roranoa, can you tell us when you joined Luffy's crew?" She asked.

"About 2 years ago. Same for most of the crew. Jinbe and Bonney are the recent additions."

"I see. How did you join Luffy?" Alastor asked.

"He saved me from being unfairly excecuted."

"Huh?" Vaggie asked.

"A month before I met Luffy, I made a living as a pirate hunter, but only enough to pay for food. On one island I stopped by, it had a naval base run by a corrupt marine officer. Captain Morgan. He had a spoiled brat of a son who was waltzing around with his pet wolf. It went into the restaurant I was eating in, and started eating other people's food."

"Why didn't anyone complain about it to the Captain?" Charlie asked.

"Heh, he never cared. He was narcissistic and cruel. He even went to far as to threaten his men with death if they didn't follow orders, and he had a literal ax-hand to do it. He wouldn't even hesitate to kill children and women who didn't pay his absurd taxes."

This shocked her. A marine used fear to rule over his base?

"Anyway, the daughter of the propertier tried to make the wolf stop but when it was about to attack her, I killed it." Zoro said.

"With your swords?" Husk asked and Zoro nodded.

"The son threatened he would punish the girl and her mother if I didn't go in their place. So for three weeks, I let myself be tied up to a post out in the sun with no food or water, and I didn't attempt to escape. The idiot even punched and kicked me while I was tied up."

"So how did you get away?" Alastor asked

"That's because of Luffy. He arrived after three weeks and wanted me to be in his crew as a First Mate. He and another kid learned that the captain's son didn't intend to keep his promise and was gonna execute me the next day. Luffy bribed me with my swords to join or let myself be killed like a rabid dog. I chose to join because I had a dream to fulfil."

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