Encounters in Wano

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Waking up, Yukiko, Pachi, and Luffy saw that they were on the beach and that a huge baboon was fighting against a komairu..........with a sword?!

While in their excitement, some people appeared saying that they illegally entered the country, but knocked them out as they rescued a young girl with purple hair. 

"Thank you! My name is O-Tama, but you can just call me Tama!" She smiled. 


Upon learning of the living conditions her people were under in Okobore town, and how those of the Beast Pirates have been holding food to themselves, the young couple was livid.

As its name suggested, it was a wasteland and far poorer than Bakura Town was, everything made there from leftovers. 

While O-Tama ended up getting kidnapped, Luffy wanted to rescue her and find the Paradise Farm, and Yukiko decided to fix up the place.

"Luffy, you go on ahead to find this treasure food ship. I'll have my Pokemon restore this place." Yukiko told her boyfriend. He nodded and left.

The tengu that told them of the village wondered what she was going to do when she summoned Suicune, Landorus, and Xerenus. 

"Suicune, Landorus, Xerenus. I need your help to restore this land." Yukiko said as they nodded and went to work. 

Suicune ran across the polluted water, cleaning it, as Xerenus used her power to restore the vegetation, and Landorus had brand new crops grow to the sky.

The tengu looked on amazed, but a little worried. Even with the disguise he gave to Yukiko, he had a feeling that the Beast Pirates would look for her next once word of this gets to the capital. 

The citizens were beyond surprised when they saw that their land was now full of vegetation and Yukiko's boyfriend arrived with a cart filled with food, along with a large of bucket of water Luffy brought back when he left to get 'the most important thing'. It could actually fill up a pool. They were moved by Yukiko's and Luffy's gesture of kindness, not believing there was actually eating and drinking from a source that would not poison them after such a long time.

After saying farewell to O-Tama and having Suicune, Landorus, and Xerenus guard the towns for now, Yukiko and the crew were now on their way to the capital.

"Why is she coming with us?" Law demanded, looking at O-Kiku.

"I'm sorry! I've always wanted to visit Oden Castle! I can go home after we get there so I won't give you trouble!" she offered.

"Kiku is a good person and she's strong so it's gonna be fine!" Luffy affirmed with a smile.

"No. She's hiding something." Zoro smirked, and she only gasped at his accusation.

"By the way, Tora-o, why are we going to the castle?" Luffy asked.

"It's not a castle now...Only ruins remain. After we separated from you guys, we made a plan and were taking action accordingly...You'll see once you get there. First, we'll go meet the ghosts of the Land of Wano"

"Ghosts?" Yukiko echoed, raising a single brow.

"Pachi?" Pachi wondered.

"You'll be surprised." Law frowned.

"Yeah, I was stunned, too..." Zoro added. "This country has been shrouded in lies and secrecy for decades.... it's worse than Dressrosa.......There you will learn...an unbelievable truth!"


Here is the next part!

Dont worry! We will see our dear Nika and his Moon Goddess soon, but I need ideas for Yukiko's awakened form.

Plz comment!

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