A message

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A large Sea King took up to the air near them, and she noticed something move below the surface of the water. Next thing they all knew, the giant sea kind was down for the count, bleeding heavily. And then a figure was jumping onto the Island.

She was surprised at who she saw. "Ah, Luffy, Yukiko. I thought you'd be on board," Rayleigh said as he began to ring out his cloak that he had.

"Rayleigh!…how did you get here…how did you find us?" Luffy asked, approaching the man that everyone was now gaping at.

"My ship was wrecked during a storm while coming her, so I had to swim the rest of the way," Rayleigh said, taking out a flask from his pants and drinking.

Yukiko and Pachi stared at the man in amazement. 'What kind of stamina does this man have?!' She thought that he had to have wrecked on a different part of the sea, and then swam through the Grand Line to the Calm Belt to Amazon Lily.

Then Rayleigh turned to Luffy. "And Shakky and I put it together with a clue from Kuma. He told us that Amazon Lily was in your path. And you would've needed help to break into Impel Down. It made sense for Hancock to help. This would also be the best place to take you to rest then. Although I was not expecting for Yukiko to lead her own army. Shame I missed them." He said as Yukiko smiled.

"Ah…what are you doing here then…wait are my nakama back?" Luffy asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Nope, they aren't back yet, but Yukiko confirmed they are alive." Rayleigh said.

"Then…what are you doing here?" Luffy asked, although Yukiko had a feeling it was concerning the New World.

Luffy and Rayleigh walked off to the back of the ship so they could be alone. "…what do you plan to do now? Go to the New World and regroup?"

"Yes, I mean…we promised we would meet. And I want to see them," He said, thinking about his nakama.

"Although Yukiko and her commrades saved your skin, and Ace's life, What do you think will happen when facing the New World pirates? More admirals? The New World is a place that does not hold back. If you go there as you are now…you and your nakama will die," Rayleigh said, and she flinched at his words.

"I…I don't know. I don't want to lose them. But I have to go," Luffy said, staring Rayleigh in the eyes. He nodded his head.

"Then how about postponing it?" Rayleigh offered and she tilted her head. "I will train you to use Haki, a necessary skill to survive in the New World. You have already used Haoshoku Haki. I will train you in all three, and you will be able to take on most anything then," Rayleigh said, and she looked him in the eyes.

"How long would it take?"

"It depends on how fast you can pick it up. Two years at most," Rayleigh said, and she took a deep breath. That was a long time.

But…he couldn't risk the lives of his nakama. For now....

"How do we get them this message of a different meeting time though?" Yukiko asked as she appeared and Rayleigh grinned to himself.

"We'll need Jimbei for the task I have in mind. Just the three of us though. Yukiko's gained enough attention and this can provoke some enemies to come after her." Rayleigh said. "We'll get to work tomorrow, tell Jimbei. But no one else. And then we'll get to training. Yukiko, I recommend going to this Island in the Calm Belt. It's a pirate friendly island as long as you dont cause trouble." He said giving her a map.

Yukiko smiled sadly as she understood. Sticking around Luffy would cause a commotion and she had to get stronger, not just her Pokémon.

"Rayleigh, within a year or so, I want to help Luffy overcome environments in my world. Just training won't be enough, he'll need to adapt to all kinds of environments since I hear the Islands in the New World are more dangerous. My world has even tough environments that we accomplish daily." Yukiko suggested.

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