Katakuri pt 2

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As Yukiko came out, Katakuri's thoughts paused for a moment.

She looked like a fairy that stepped out of a storybook he used to read to Brulee when they were kids. 

She wore a white flowing gown with white shoulder pieces disconnected from her dress, an intricately decorated bodice with gold hoops, with the bust defined by a row of golden beads. Trailing at the back, was a white gauzy bow with long fluttery ribbons. She also wore golden spiral earrings and a golden beaded bracelet on her right wrist. Under the dress she wore white stiletto high heel shoes.

Her white hair was decorated with silver and pearl jewelry in the form of a headdress.

Pachi was in her arms with a scowl on her face and a big frilly bow on her neck.

"You must be Katakuri." Yukiko said.

Then Katakuri spoke. "And I'm afraid I cannot let you go."

"I appreciate......Hm. Then again, the maids talked of your Observation Haki...............We both know that I'm practically young enough to be your daughter..............Why agree to this?" Yukiko asked.

Katakuri just stared. "It is Mama's word that I take you as my new wife."

"And you don't question it?"

"More like we can't. No one questions her. It would be a matter of life and death." 

Yukiko did not like the sound of that. It sounded as if this powerful man before her was on a very tight leash. 

One that he cannot get out of.

Katakuri, for once in his life, was nervous of the look Yukiko gave him. It told him that this girl was seeing right through him, and he unconsciously ensured the scarf around his mouth stayed there. 

"Though to be honest, I'm surprised that you are not acting like other sutiors even when I told them I had Luffy already."


"Before meeting Luffy, I set out to be a Pokemon Master in my world. And as I kept winning, I often had boys proposing to me left and right. But they mostly want me for my money or fame. But not Luffy. He was excited to learn about my world, he always asked me. He always got angry when I got hurt before I ate my Devil Fruit, but he always said how my scars looked cool. I had one scar on my leg from Alabasta, and he would not stop touching it for a week." Yukiko smiled.

From how Yukiko talked, it was obvious that Yukiko's love for Strawhat was real.

He would deny it, but if someone asked him in the future, he would say that he was ashamed that he allowed his mother to use him to breakup a loving couple.


The next day went by as Yukiko was exhausted, being fitted with her wedding dress. She grew worried for Luffy and Nami, as she hadn't heard anything. 

Then she heard a knock at the door.

It was Chiffon Charolette. 

"Beast Master? Do you mind coming with me?" She said in a quiet voice.

"What is going on?" Yukiko and Pachi wondered as the woman looked nervous.

"Listen, your boyfriend, Strawhat. He is alright, and so are your other friends. He's gonna have a meeting with my husband. We have to hurry." she said in a quiet voice.

Yukiko let out a breath of relief she didn't know she held.

Soon, they made it to a secret room, and Yukiko spotted a particular person.


"Yukiko!" the two lovers embraced each other. "I got so worried!"

then a voice came up.

It was one of the Supernovas, Capone Gang Bege. 

"Strawhat. I can tell we are all in situations we don't like. I want to free my wife from Big Mom, and she is forcing your chef and woman into unwanted marriages." He said.


"Which is why I propose an alliance." Bege finished.

although a few words were thrown back and forth, they agreed, and Yukiko had to be ready for the plan.


Sorry for the delay, but I am finally free for the next six weeks!

I just have to wait for my final grade.....


Plz comment!

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